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If you haven’t got a free login in already here is a class one to use.

Username - olsotsreception

Password - read2021

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is a cloud-based platform for primary-aged children. It contains a wide range of age-appropriate, creative software tools for writing, drawing, coding, animating, blogging and much more. In addition to these programs, the platform provides resources and themed lesson activities, which can be set for pupils to do at home. Feedback on their work can then be provided to the pupil, including recorded audio feedback, and all the work is stored online, within Purple Mash.

We have used Purple Mash throughout the year and the children are now starting to create an online portfolio of work that as parents, you can see at home. The video below explains how to access the Parent Portal for your child so that you can see what tasks they have been set and the feedback that they have received.