Hope for a kinder world


This week in year 1, we have been taking time to remember.

The poppy shows we remember. We remember wars that happened before we were born. We remember that people are caught up in wars, all over the world. We remember that tears can turn to smiles and that enemies can become friends.

Remembrance Day is a time to be sad, but it is also a time of hope. Hope of a kinder, more joyful world for everyone.


"God who is present in our beginnings knows and loves each one"

In Year 2 we have been thinking about our gifts and what different qualities we bring to our class team. We wrote the different qualities we feel we have on a piece of paper and joined them together to make a paper chain. During our prayer and liturgy in the chapel, we then thought carefully about who may have written each quality and discussed that although we are all different, we are all precious in God’s eyes. We celebrated by saying ‘thank you’ to God.

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