Year 4 Tuesday 31st March Home Learning

English - Writing your Dragon Slayer story

Check the story planner below and write the build up paragraph today using extended noun phrases. You should watch that part of the film and maybe make a few notes of key actions that happen to help you remember.


Practise your new skill of multiplying 3 numbers on IXL. H12 and H13

Purple Mash telling the time 2do - Five to the hour today!

Daily Reading

I hope you have a really good book you are enjoying like me!

Weekly tasks

Remember to go back and choose from these fun learning activities

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Tuesday 31st March

Good morning children! I hope you had a wonderful sleep and are ready to start the new day ahead. Have any of you made a timetable showing how you will complete this week’s challenges? I would love to see these! Enjoy today’s learning challenges and don’t forget to keep up that enthusiasm - just like Bobby Bee!


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.

Complete the reading comprehension attached below:


Using the plan you created for your own version of the chapter ‘The Museum Thieves’, write the ‘beginning’ section of your chapter in your English books. Remember, this should be able to be read by others to enjoy. Think about your handwriting and your spellings, but most importantly, how will you grasp the reader’s interest?

Within your beginning, include the following grammar focus:

Use a variety of different sentence forms within your writing. For example: sentences ending in full stops, sentences ending in question marks and sentences ending with exclamation marks.


Please access:

Week 2 - ‘Lesson 2 - Step 7 - ‘Find a third’ - by clicking here:

Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - Skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.


Work through section S ‘Money’ on Maths IXL.

Don’t forget to look back at the weekly challenges for all other learning for the week!

Have a great day,

Miss Woodend

Ideas for mathematical learning


Online counting games and suggestions for mathematical home learning: ( 3-5 years) · ·

I hope you enjoy some of the mathematical games on these websites. The children particularly enjoy ‘Numberblocks’

Year 4 Latest Home learning pictures

I am so impressed with all your hard wok year 4! Keep in contact with all your lovely activities!

Year 3 Pictures for Monday 30th March

We hope that you all had a lovely weekend, with some rest and relaxation. Here are the pictures that we’ve been sent today.

Reception home learning for Monday 30th March

1. PE with Joe Wicks—I know that many of you are enjoying taking part in this each morning as a family… we are going to be very fit at the end of this! ( )

2. Phonics: Please practise one of those tricky sounds that you identified last week.

I have also set a new “To do” on Purple mash. The children need to read the word and choose either ‘m’ or ‘n’ to complete the word, by dragging the letter into place. This challenge can be completed today or tomorrow. I look forward to seeing how you get on!

(Purple mash logins are on Reception’s home page under the tab, “Websites to use whilst learning at home”)

3. Sum Dog: There is a new challenge set for today and tomorrow. Can you compare the lengths of 2 objects using non-standard forms of measure? Enjoy!

4. RE: Today I would like the children to listen to the bible story, “Feeding the 5000.” You can watch a short video of the story on Youtube following this link: .

After watching this video, please reflect on the little boys actions, discussing the importance of sharing. Using your working from home book, I would then like you to draw a picture to reflect the story. E.g a drawing of Jesus sharing the loaves and fishes. You could then write anything that your child says or remembers about the story somewhere on this picture to show their understanding.

*** Please save some toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes, bottle lids etc. These will be needed for Friday’s learning challenge. I thought that it would be fun to use our creativity to create a new friend/monster/robot. And then to send me a picture of your creation that I can upload onto the end of week blog.***

Don’t forget to share your photos with me via email! It has been lovely to see how you are all getting on at home!

Miss Bassett.

Year 4 Daily tasks Monday 30th March


Watch again the film below. Each day this week, I would like you to write a part of the story (1 paragraph) as we do in class. I have included a story planner below. Today, you need to write the beginning paragraph. Introduce the setting and main character, using extended noun phrases. Don’t forget to include the weather!


We are going to learn a new skill today - multiplying 3 numbers. Look at the help sheet below and complete the activities in your maths book. I will put up the answers tomorrow so you can mark it!

Also, complete the quick 2do in purple mash about time - Quarter to today.


I am still watching those reading targets on Accelerated reader and have set some new ones. Every day, curl up and read somewhere for at least 30 minutes. Then don’t forget to quiz when you’ve finished. There is a link to Accelerated Reader log in on the Help your child section. There are also lots of free books to read on the site too!

This week I finished my book ‘The Colour Purple.’ (I cried!)

Year 4 Weekly tasks for Week beginning Monday 30th March

To try something different this week, alongside daily Maths, English and reading, there are weekly tasks that you can pick from.

You can choose to do them any day which gives you a bit more freedom - see what you are in the mood for each day. You could choose to do a few on one day and none on another!

Follow the links below this image for the Science task

print screen image for weekly mon 30th.png

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Monday 30th March

Welcome to a new week of learning! Each day, I will be posting a new blog containing the new Reading, English and Maths challenges for that day. Then, don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for your other learning. I hope you all have a brilliant day!


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.


This week you are all going to become real ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ and write your own versions of the Flat Stanley chapter ‘The Museum Thieves’. Today I would like you to think carefully about what will happen in the five sections of your chapter - beginning, build up, problem/dilemma, conclusion, resolution.

Look carefully at the document attached below. I have used your ideas from last week’s learning to write what happens in the five sections of the chapter in the story. The next column in the table gives you prompts for your new version. The final column is for you to write your own ideas for your own chapter. Don’t worry if you are unable to print the planning sheet, just write out your new ideas in your English book. Be as creative as you can be, but don’t forget to use the original chapter as a guide. Remember, today you are not writing your chapter but are simply getting all of your ideas down. Have fun!


Please access:

Week 2 - ‘Lesson 1 - Step 6 - Recognise a third’ - by clicking here:

Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - Addition to 100.


Work through section S ‘Money’ on Maths IXL.

Miss Woodend

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges for the week

Good afternoon,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are fully rested and ready for the week ahead!

As you know, learning from home is completely new to us all and us teachers are constantly evaluating the effectiveness of our home learning tasks set for the children. This week I thought I would try something a little different. Like I did last week, I will be posting Reading, English and Maths activities for the children to complete daily. However, any other activities that I would like the children to complete are shown on the image below. This means that you and your family can sit down and create a timetable of when you would like to complete the activities. You may choose to complete more than one in a day which will give you some free time on another day, or you may continue to complete one activity per day. It is entirely up you - this is your home learning! I have attached a PDF version of the challenges below as this will enable you to click on the links I have included.

Have a great week, and don’t forget to spend some special time as a family too!

This week’s learning challenges

Home learning challenges - wb 30.3.20.JPG

Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 30th March


I am so proud of you for how you went about last week and your learning…keep it up! We have to be ready to head of to high school in September with all of your learning in place so please keep tackling everything with determination and focus. You know where I am if you need me. I have loved receiving emails from you and seeing comments on the blog. Keep in touch!

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