Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Thursday 2nd April

We are nearing the end of another busy week, and of course, the Easter break. Keep up the superb work Year 2 - you are all making me burst with pride.


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.

Complete the reading comprehension attached below:


Using the plan you created on Monday, write your problem/dilemma. Remember, this is the really exciting part of your chapter. Use super adjectives to describe the disguise and even try to use adverbs - silently, Stanley waited in the picture frame.

Grammar focus for the problem/dilemma - include commas to make a list. This would fit perfectly when describing the disguise - for example, Stanley was wearing a big, blonde curly wig, a stripy gown and was holding a cuddly teddy under his right arm.


Please access:

Week 2 - ‘Lesson 4 - Step 9 - ‘non-unit fractions’ - by clicking here:

Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - Add and subtract within 100


Work through section S ‘Money’ on Maths IXL.

Don’t forget to look back at the weekly challenges for all other learning for the week!

Have a brilliant day Year 2 - enjoy this time with your families if you can.

Miss Woodend

Year 3 Wednesday 1st April 2020

Really sorry there have been no photos of today’s learning from home posted on our class blog and also that we have not replied to any of your emails, the Lancashire website has been down today and we have not been able to access our emails to get your photos. Hopefully it will be up and running again soon and we will be able to post all of the photos that have not been posted today.

We hope that you have had a lovely day of learning and we look forward to seeing all of your photos as soon as we can.

Keep smiling and doing all of those helpful jobs around the home.

Take care and stay safe.

Hi everyone. We are back!!!

Here are the photos from today’s learning at home. I have to say you are all becoming so creative and talented in the kitchen. I just wish you all did take away service. I love the look of all those ice lollies. (What happened to the sunshine?????)

Reception home learning for Wednesday 1st April

1. PE with Joe Wicks—Start your day with a fun workout ( )

2. Phonics: Please continue to practise one of those tricky sounds that you identified last week.

For the rest of this week I would like you to focus on recognising the tricky words: I, the, to and me.

There are many fun activities that you could do to help your child to build their familiarity with these tricky words such as:

· Creating a bingo board using these words along with other 3/4 letter words. This could be a fun and competitive game for the family.

· Reading and spotting these words in stories

· Practise writing these words in fun ways: Using squeezy bottles of water outside, to write the words on the floor painting the words, gluing and sticking objects over the written word, icing biscuits and adding choc chips to spell out the words.

· Play the game 4 corners either inside or outside (always a fun game but it does need a few participants).

· Creating the words using Lego.

· Using your Purple mash login and creating a tricky word picture using 2Paint.

3. Sum Dog: Today we have a new challenge to complete, comparing numbers to 10. This challenge will be available to use until Friday.

4. Home reading: I have been busy trying to find some suitable home reading books that you can access online. It seems as though Oxford Owl have released many free online reading books. You will need to sign up here:

and then follow this link:

This should take you to the Green level reading books that match to our Read Write Inc scheme in school. Please start reading the Green books to re-build your child’s confidence when blending sounds. Following the green books you can move onto the purple books and then moving onto pink. Any difficulties just email me.. I hope this works it will be a great way to keep the children reading books at the correct level!

*** Keep saving some toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes, bottle lids etc. ready for Friday’s learning challenge.***

Miss Bassett.

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Wednesday 1st April

Good morning Year 2! My goodness, I can’t quite believe that we are here at the start of a brand new month. I hope you are up and ready for the new day ahead. Yesterday, I started my day once again with Joe’s PE session. Well done to those who are managing to complete this every morning, it’s unbelievably tiring!


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.


Using the plan you created on Monday, write the build up of your chapter. Don’t forget all of those super verbs and adjectives to keep your chapter interesting and exciting. For example - using shouted instead of said, or gloomy instead of sad.

Grammar focus for the build up:

Use compound sentences in your chapter using ‘so’ and ‘or’ - Flat Stanley heard Mr Dart chatting in the lift so he came up with an idea. Stanley could go to the museum and help Mr Dart or he could stay at home and do nothing.


Please access:

Week 2 - ‘Lesson 3 - Step 8 - ‘unit fractions’ - by clicking here:

Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - Interpret and compare charts and tables


Work through section S ‘Money’ on Maths IXL.

Don’t forget to look back at the weekly challenges for all other learning for the week!

Also, please keep me updated with how you are getting on at home - I love receiving your emails and photographs.

Miss you all,

Miss Woodend


Year 4 Wednesday 1st April

Happy April Fool’s Day!

English - Writing your Dragon Slayer Story

Today it is time to write the dilemma. What does the Dragon Slayer DO to show he is in a dilemma? Why is he in a dilemma? Write this paragraph including some speech-dialogue and show the reader how he feels. You can still use extended noun phrases to describe the little baby dragon. Aaaah!


Today we re going to learn another new skill - multiplying a two digit number by a one digit number using THE EXTENDED METHOD. It is really important that you do this just as I teach you, rather than skipping to the next step.

New Sum Dog challenge set today Practising x and divide.

there is a Purple mash time 2 do - if you have time!

Daily Reading

I hope you have a really good book you are enjoying like me! Don’t forget to quiz!

Weekly tasks

Remember to go back and choose from these fun learning activities. Feel free to send pictures to my email about what you are up to!

Year 2's second week of home learning

Good afternoon Year 2.

I hope that you all had a restful weekend and had a great start to the new week yesterday.

Here are more snapshots of your superb learning from home. I have also included some photographs of my mischievous puppy Winston exploring the house - see if you can spot him.

Stay safe.

Missing you all lots,

Miss Woodend

Year 3 Tuesday 31st March Photos from your Learning at Home

Thank you to all of you who are sending us photos of your learning from home. We love to see them and hope that you are all having fun.

We’re loving the pictures of your French ice lollies. They look sooooo delicious.

We’re also loving the photos of the meals that you are helping to prepare. Well done for helping around the house - make sure that you help to tidy the kitchen afterwards.

Keep sending us your photos please.

Reception home learning for Tuesday 31st March

1. PE with Joe Wicks—Start your day with a fun workout ( )

2. Phonics: Please continue to practise one of those tricky sounds that you identified last week.

Don’t forget to practise this weeks “To do” on Purple mash. The children need to read the word and choose either ‘m’ or ‘n’ to complete the word, by dragging the letter into place. Today is the last day for this challenge to be completed.

(Remember: Purple mash logins are on Reception’s home page under the tab, “Websites to use whilst learning at home”)

3. PE: We were so fortunate with the weather last week, I loved seeing all of the photos with the children learning outside having lots of fun! Football was a great hit so I would like you to continue to practise this today (weather permitting).

4. Sum Dog: Today is the last day to complete this weeks first challenge. If you’ve already had a go don’t forget that you can keep practising this skill, seeing if you can better your score.

5. 30 Day Lego challenge: A couple of our friends have started on the Lego challenge already, let’s all take part!


*** Please save some toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes, bottle lids etc. These will be needed for Friday’s learning challenge. I thought that it would be fun to use our creativity to create a new friend/monster/robot. And then to send me a picture of your creation that I can upload onto the end of week blog.***

Miss Bassett.