Year 3 Photos for Tuesday 14th April

We hope that you all enjoyed a lovely Easter break (some chocolate too!) and you are now ready to start your learning from home again. Please send us your photos and we will pop them on our blog so that you can see what everyone is doing.

Take care and stay safe from all of the Year 3 team xx

Reception Home Learning - Tuesday 14th April

Firstly, I hope that you all had a lovely Easter break, celebrating this very special time as a family. Today marks the start of our final term in Reception, the year is whizzing by! I hope that you enjoy today’s home learning. Don’t forget the Lego challenge too– I know that lots of you are enjoying this!

1. PE with Joe Wicks—A great way to keep active some point today. ( )

2. Phonics: Please keep practising any of the sounds you know that your child struggles with.

3. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book. Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding. Please make a note of any sounds or tricky words that your child struggles with and focus on these throughout the next few days/until they know them.

4. Purple Mash: Today and tomorrow I would like you to create a picture about Easter. This could be part of the Easter story. What you did to celebrate Easter. Or even the whole Easter story. You can create as many as you would like to!

3. Sum Dog: Subtract within 5. Can you take away amounts within 5? Initially, get some physical apparatus for your child to use when carrying out this activity. Having 5 counters (whatever they might be-sweets or chocolate always works great!) allows your child to visualise and understand what they are doing. When they have developed their confidence they will no longer need to use equipment.

4. RE: Today I would like the children to think about what makes them happy and what makes them sad? Following this think back to the Easter celebration. What was the upsetting part? What was the happy part? Discuss the word ‘resurrection’. Then, in your yellow book, I would like you to either draw the sad and happy part of the Easter celebration, or to create your own craft tomb.

Week 4 Jesus Rising.png

Don’t forget to share your photos with me via email! They truly make my day!

Miss Bassett

Year 4 Home Learning for Tuesday 14th April

Welcome back Year 4. I hope you have had a lovely Easter with your families and are ready to learn afresh!

This week in Year 4 it is VOLCANOES WEEK!

Each day this week, you will have Geography or Science work to do around the subject of Volcanoes or rocks. For this reason, there are no separate ‘weekly activities’ as we usually have.


Read the information below to find out all about volcanoes around the world. As you do this, you will be brushing up on your Geography - finding the volcanoes and seeing how close they are to the Equator and which hemisphere they are in.

Task 1

Go on Google Earth and type in the names of some of the volcanoes. What do they look like? Are they all the same? Zoom out and look at the shape and location of the country they are in.

Task 2

Use the world map and anything you have at home to help you plot these volcanoes using the symbols below. Then answer the questions:


To practise your skill of multiplying 3 digit numbers by one digit numbers I would like you to solve the problems in IXL H13. You will find many of these are easy and can be solved mentally or with jottings - until you get to the challenge zone! These last ones will need to be worked out using the extended method in your maths home learning books. You must finish it to challenge yourselves!

I have also set you a new Sum dog challenge to practise this skill - you have until Sunday to complete it.


This week, all of our English will be done on Purple Mash. We will be reading parts of a story each day called “The Sleeping Volcano.’ I will set you some reading and comprehension challenges to do each day about this so check your 2do’s today and every day please.

If you have time, you could complete the spelling, punctuation and grammar learning linked to Chapter 1 and 2. These practise our key skills for Year 4.

PE this week

Keep active each day. Complete any school PE challenges. You could do a Joe Wicks workout, some yoga, have a good dance round your kitchen, do some gymnastics or simply go for a walk or bike ride!

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Tuesday 14th April

Good Morning,

Here are today’s English and Maths learning challenges. Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for your other learning. I can’t wait to hear from you all.


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.

Also if you missed my blog before Easter, I have also signed all of the children up for a new reading resource called ‘Epic!’ reading. This resource is great as you can search for books depending on your child’s ZPD reading level and then you can access a quiz straight after reading the ebook. More information about how to use the resource can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section. If you are interested in accessing the resource, please send me an email - and I will then be able to send you an invitation link for you to create an account.


I thought that I would try something different for English this week. Purple Mash has a brilliant resource called ‘Serial Mash’ which we now have access to. This week all of the English tasks will be based on a story called ‘Max and the pirates of Puddleton Bay’ which I have set in the children’s ‘to dos’ on Purple Mash each day. By clicking the ‘to do’, you will have access to that day’s chapter and then other activities linked to what the children have read.

Read Chapter 1 and complete the activities

There are however, other activities linked to the chapter that I haven’t set as ‘to dos’. If you would like to access these, including some great spelling, punctuation and grammar activities, simple log into Purple Mash and click on ‘Serial Mash’. Then click ‘Diamonds’ and then find this week’s story ‘Max and the pirates of Puddleton Bay’. Here you will find the extra activities not included in your child’s ‘to dos’. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Let me know how you get on!


Please access:

Summer Term - Week 1 - ‘Lesson 1 - Find three quarters’ - by clicking here:

Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - Calculate with money within £1

Also, if you haven’t already done so, please do complete your maths, spelling and reading training (found in the tasks section). This ensures that your child’s learning is given at the correct level, so please ensure that your child completes these independently.


If you have time and want to complete even more learning, see how much of your IXL you can complete! Choose to complete sections that you haven’t already completed.

Miss Woodend

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges for the week - Week Beginning 14.4.20

Good Morning Year 2!

I hope you are all well and had a truly wonderful Easter spending time together as a family. I hope that you also found time to pray in amongst all of that chocolate eating, and took time out to think about Jesus’ sacrifice for us at this time of year.

Are you ready for a new term of learning? I can’t quite believe that we have reached the Summer term! I am missing you all greatly and I am still hoping that we will get some time together before the end of the year. Please keep up that brilliant enthusiasm you all had before the Easter break, you were all working so hard. I can’t wait to receive photographs and updates of your first week back to learning.

Just as I did the week before we broke up, I will be posting English and Maths tasks daily, but other curriculum areas are posted below for you to dip in and out of as you please throughout the week. However, they should all be completed by Friday, ready for a new week of learning. I have attached a PDF version for you to access any links, and have also included the Geography and Science PDFs underneath.

Have a great week and continue to amaze your families with your focus and determination.

Stay safe,

Miss Woodend

Home learning challenges - wb 13.4.20.JPG

Year 5 Tuesday 14th April Learning from home - WELCOME BACK!!!

Hi everyone welcome back to Year 5 ONLINE!!!

Task 1

We’ll get you warmed up this morning with our daily Maths Fluency!

Fluency 14th April.PNG

TASK 2 and 3 Maths and English

Now let’s jump into our first Fractions lesson- you will need a round cup to draw around and your ruler! Have fun!

Once you’ve completed you maths it is time to settle down to our new class novel. We are going to “close” read “Kensuke’s Kingdom” by Michael Morpurgo. You may have a copy at home or you may like to download it as an e-book. If not-you can follow a chapter at a time with me as I create PDF’s for you. Please watch the film today- once I have read the first two paragraphs and we have collected questions then you can go on and read it yourself or continue reading along with me on the film. Once you have read chapter 1 complete the downloadable questions and complete in your book. If you can print them out do so and then - using a double page glue them on one side and answer the questions on the other.

Task 4 - Geography

Know that our intrepid family have set off across the world in Peggy Sue. I would like you to choose one country you would like to visit. Now ind out as much as you can. Decide how you are going to present your findings:

Create a PowerPoint for Mrs Hotchkiss to place on our class blog

Create a factual books for one of your younger siblings

Present to the family

Make travel poster for the window of a Travel agents

Have fun!!

Please note:

If you have Nessy please complete just 15/20mins

Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 14th April 2020

I hope that you have all had a wonderful Easter with your families and that you have enjoyed the sunshine. It certainly has been a nice break to our home learning and given us all time to just be. I am excited about our learning for this half term. I want to continue with Romeo and Juliet, complete our work on Coastlines and start some science - life cycles. As always, I will be really clear with what learning I want to see, that is usually submitted via Purple Mash so that I can give you some feedback.

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Happy Easter!

Good afternoon Year 2 and well done for reaching the end of your second week of home learning AND the Easter holidays!

I hope that you have enjoyed the learning set for you so far; I have got lots of exciting activities lined up for after the holidays.

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