Year 3 Thursday 16th April Photos from your home learning

Thanks for all of your lovely photos. We love to see them and we are sure that you do too.

Keep up the good work. Remember to make sure that you work neatly and carefully in all of your books. Don’t forget lots of reading too. Targets have been reset - can you reach yours? Let us know when you get there and we can celebrate and reset them. Happy reading!!!! (Let us know the best places to read too - a photo would be great!!)

Reception Home Learning - Thursday 16th April

1. PE with Joe Wicks—A great way to keep active some point today. (

2. Phonics: Please keep practising any of the sounds you know that your child struggles with.

3. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book.  Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding.

4. Purple Mash: Today and tomorrow I would like you to practise your letter formation. Please focus on the sounds or tricky words that your child struggles with.

5. Sum Dog: If your child is now confident subtracting within 5, there is a new challenge subtracting within 10. I have kept the previous challenge live so you can continue to practise within 5 to help your child gain greater confidence.

6. Maths: White Rose: Please access Summer 1 Week 1—Day 2 Supertato:

7. PE: Today I wonder if you could create a little obstacle course. See if you can include: 3 hops, 3 jumps and side galloping. I look forward to seeing your obstacle courses via your photos!

Miss Bassett

Year 4 home learning for Thursday 16th April


Watch the following slides to find out about features of volcanoes. Then, over the next two days, I would like you to type an explanation text about how volcanoes erupt and also include some information. I HAVE SET THIS AS A PURPLE MASH TASK TODAY.

You can use my example of an explanation text below and my glossary to help you include the things you need in an explanation text

. Don’t forget, you could also refresh your memory by looking at yesterday’s slides.


Go on Purple Mash to read Chapter 5 of ‘The Sleeping Volcano’ today.

Here are some comprehension questions to answer:


Today we will revise how to solve simple division and make sure we understand remainders. Follow the lesson below then complete the division problems below.

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Thursday 16th April

Good morning Year 2,

I have loved receiving your photographs of your learning so far this week. Keep up the brilliant work, only two days until the weekend. Here are today’s English and Maths learning challenges. Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for your other learning.


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.

Also if you missed my blog before Easter, I have also signed all of the children up for a new reading resource called ‘Epic!’ reading. This resource is great as you can search for books depending on your child’s ZPD reading level and then you can access a quiz straight after reading the ebook. More information about how to use the resource can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section. If you are interested in accessing the resource, please send me an email - and I will then be able to send you an invitation link for you to create an account.


I thought that I would try something different for English this week. Purple Mash has a brilliant resource called ‘Serial Mash’ which we now have access to. This week all of the English tasks will be based on a story called ‘Max and the pirates of Puddleton Bay’ which I have set in the children’s ‘to dos’ on Purple Mash each day. By clicking the ‘to do’, you will have access to that day’s chapter and then other activities linked to what the children have read.

Read Chapter 3 and complete the activities.

There are however, other activities linked to the chapter that I haven’t set as ‘to dos’. If you would like to access these, including some great spelling, punctuation and grammar activities, simple log into Purple Mash and click on ‘Serial Mash’. Then click ‘Diamonds’ and then find this week’s story ‘Max and the pirates of Puddleton Bay’. Here you will find the extra activities not included in your child’s ‘to dos’. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Let me know how you get on!


Don’t forget to have a go at the spelling challenge.


Please access:

Summer Term - Week 1 - ‘Lesson 3 - ‘Measure Length (cm)’ - by clicking here:

Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - 3D Shape properties

Also, if you haven’t already done so, please do complete your maths, spelling and reading training (found in the tasks section). This ensures that your child’s learning is given at the correct level, so please ensure that your child completes these independently.


If you have time and want to complete even more learning, see how much of your IXL you can complete! Choose to complete sections that you haven’t already completed.

Miss Woodend

Year 4 Exciting updates! Wednesday 15th April

Dear Year 4,

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter and you are all keeping up with your home learning. Did you know that a volcano erupted on Tuesday? Click the link below to find out which one it was!

Also, the link below that has information about Iceland’s volcanoes and earthquakes. Are they linked?

Zac’s home learning! Don’t forget - I love to see what you have been up to - I know you love to see each other too!

Year 3 Photos for Wednesday 15th April

Thank you for sending us your lovely photos. We love seeing what you are getting up to.

Here are the photos that have been sent to us today.

Reception Home Learning - Wednesday 15th April

1. PE with Joe Wicks—A great way to keep active some point today. ( )

2. Phonics: Please keep practising any of the sounds you know that your child struggles with.

3. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book.  Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding.

4. Purple Mash: Today is your final opportunity to create a picture about Easter. This could be part of the Easter story. What you did to celebrate Easter. Or even the whole Easter story. You can create as many as you would like to!

3. Sum Dog: Subtract within 5. Like yesterday, have another go practising this skill. Tomorrow their will be greater amounts so practise today so that you are ready for a challenge!

4. Maths: White Rose: Please access Summer 1 Week 1—Day 1 Supertato:

Watch the short video/ presentation and have a go at the activity. It would be a good idea to read the story beforehand. If you don’t have the book at home watch and listen to the story via Youtube:

Miss Bassett.

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Wednesday 15th April

Hi Year 2!

Here are today’s English and Maths learning challenges. Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for your other learning. I can’t wait to hear from you all. Have a great day!


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.

Also if you missed my blog before Easter, I have also signed all of the children up for a new reading resource called ‘Epic!’ reading. This resource is great as you can search for books depending on your child’s ZPD reading level and then you can access a quiz straight after reading the ebook. More information about how to use the resource can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section. If you are interested in accessing the resource, please send me an email - and I will then be able to send you an invitation link for you to create an account.


I thought that I would try something different for English this week. Purple Mash has a brilliant resource called ‘Serial Mash’ which we now have access to. This week all of the English tasks will be based on a story called ‘Max and the pirates of Puddleton Bay’ which I have set in the children’s ‘to dos’ on Purple Mash each day. By clicking the ‘to do’, you will have access to that day’s chapter and then other activities linked to what the children have read.

Today it is time to read Chapter 2 and complete the activities.

There are however, other activities linked to the chapter that I haven’t set as ‘to dos’. If you would like to access these, including some great spelling, punctuation and grammar activities, simple log into Purple Mash and click on ‘Serial Mash’. Then click ‘Diamonds’ and then find this week’s story ‘Max and the pirates of Puddleton Bay’. Here you will find the extra activities not included in your child’s ‘to dos’. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Let me know how you get on!


Today I have set you a reading challenge:

Read tricky words.

I have also set a spelling challenge for you all this week.

Remember I can see how you’re getting on, so remember to focus!


Please access:

Summer Term - Week 1 - ‘Lesson 2 - Count in fractions’ - by clicking here:

Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - 2D Shape properties

Also, if you haven’t already done so, please do complete your maths, spelling and reading training (found in the tasks section). This ensures that your child’s learning is given at the correct level, so please ensure that your child completes these independently.


If you have time and want to complete even more learning, see how much of your IXL you can complete! Choose to complete sections that you haven’t already completed.

Miss Woodend

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 15th April 2020

Happy Wednesday! I hope that you all managed to get into the swing of things yesterday and found your learning feet again.

Those children who have acted as digital leaders this year, I have sent you an email via Purple Mash. I would like to put something together about children keeping safe online whilst they are at home. Have a look at the email and see what you think! There is a little video here to explain how 2email can be used by all of you.

Maths - White Rose Home Learning Week 2 - Lesson 2 Ratio and Proportion Problems

Click on the button below to access the website. Please complete Week 2 Lesson 2 - Ratio and Proportion Problems.

Fluency and Sumdog - Have a go at the fluency board below and the Sumdog multiplication challenge that I have set.

English Romeo and Juliet - Today you are going to write the first two paragraphs of either Romeo or Juliet’s diary - The Balcony Scene - Introductory paragraph summarising the evening and the second paragraph where Juliet appears at her balcony, unaware that Romeo is in the Capulet orchard below.  Romeo is in awe. These are the first two boxes from your planning sheet yesterday. You can choose whether to write as Romeo or as Juliet. Think about the language you will use.

I have found an example that you can use to base your writing on. My example is from Romeo’s perspective. I have left the links below so that you can watch the film again and read the texts again. These will help you to capture the moment.

The PowerPoint below gives an example of my diary and the success criteria for this piece of writing. By the end of the week you will have a completed piece of writing, writing different paragraphs each day, You will then be submitting this piece of writing via Purple Mash at the end of the week. I look forward to reading your writing.

Science - Living things and their habitats. LIFE CYCLES.

Today we are going to start our science topic on Life Cycles. It is quite a big topic as it covers a lot of areas. Today we are going to start with a general introduction and then plants and their life cycles. Have a look at the lesson below and follow the instructions for the tasks.

Photography - In addition to the lesson, I want you to have a go at some photography. This is a really creative skill from our computing curriculum. Have you got any plants or flowers in your garden? What about when you go out on your daily walk? What can you spot? Take some interesting photographs and make them into a photo collage. Email them to me at n.gregan@ourladystarofthesea, or via Purple Mash 2email. Let’s see what a beautiful world we live in. Be creative with your photographs. I have been planting with Alfie over the last few weeks. Have a look at our photographs (we have even managed to grow some vegetables and sunflowers).

IMG_20200411_151749_957 (1).jpg

Have a fun day of learning!
Don’t forget to join the school community at 7pm in prayer - 3 Hail Marys.

Year 4 home learning for Wednesday 15th April


On Monday, we will be watching a LIVE FIELDWORK session produced by EDucation Edu all about soil. I would like you to come up with some really interesting questions about soil - I know you are great at this!

Send me your most interesting one or two on the Purple Mash class blog - I have created a special blog for this topic. You may get a ‘shout out’ during the live session on Monday as I will be sending your questions to the producers!


The story continues…. Go on Purple Mash and read chapter 3 and 4 and do your quizzes!

If you have time, you could complete the spelling, punctuation and grammar learning linked to Chapter 1 and 2. These practise our key skills for Year 4.


Today, please watch and read the slides below all about volcanoes and how they erupt.

Now see if you can explain to an adult what these words mean: crust, core, magma, lava, pressure. Can you explain to an adult how a volcano erupts?

Tomorrow and Friday, you will be writing an explanation text to explain this process.


Today we are learning to find factors. First watch the video below

Now follow my lesson below to learn further. There are activities to complete underneath the lesson.