Year 4 Monday 20th March Home learning


Let’s take part in our fieldwork session about Soil! First Link below to the live lesson homepage - beginning at 9.30 Monday. Have your soil ready! YEAR 4 UPDATE! SORRY - THE SESSION STARTS AT 10.30!!!


We are nearing the end of our multiplication and division unit. Its time to tackle the exciting challenge of dividing larger numbers this week. Let’s start by the lesson below. Today you do the activities as you watch the video - you will need to pause the screen when I say, to complete the activity. then play - and mark. No cheating!!


I am excited to say that we are starting our 3rd class novel ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter.’ We are going to be practising MANY DIFFERENT year 4 reading skills this week that help us become readers who analyse for good understanding. It is really important you keep up with this each day so you do not fall behind!

Today is a very short lesson in Active Reading - just looking at the the Front and back cover and making some predictions. Also pre-learning some vocabulary that will come up in the first chapter!

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges for the week - Week Beginning 20.04.20

Good morning Year 2,

I hope that you all had a great weekend and are ready for a new week of learning. This week is filled with many different learning opportunities and I can’t wait to hear how you get on. Don’t forget about our learning characters - you can still be ‘Don’t Give Up Sadie Spiders’ and ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bees’ at home.

Just as before, I will be posting English and maths activities daily. You can then choose when you would like to complete the activities below throughout the week. I know many of you have been working better in the mornings and so try and get most of your learning done then. Remember, we’re all new to this, but your resilience and ability to adapt have been admirable. Keep smiling Year 2, you’re all doing great and I’m so very proud of you.

Home Learning challenges - wb 20.4.20.JPG

As always, keep those emails and photographs coming. I love receiving your emails throughout the day and seeing your superb learning.

Stay Safe and have a great week,

Miss Woodend

Learning at home photos

A big ‘thank you’ and ‘well done’ for all the fabulous learning that has been happening at home over the past few weeks. The photos that you have been sending in are wonderful! It’s so lovely to see the children having so much fun.

For anyone who is running out of ideas click here.

May I remind you that before I can upload your images I must have your written consent. Just drop me an email.

Keep the learning going and send me more photos to post, it’s a fabulous way of staying in touch.

A very Happy Birthday to two of our friends at nursery. We are sending you lots of good wishes and hugs.

Bea bday.jpg
Myles 3.jpg

Home Learning Photographs - Week Ending 17th April

Good afternoon Year 2,

I have been amazed by how well you have sprung back into your learning this week. Receiving your photographs really does make me smile (although it does make me miss you even more!). Thank you parents for your feedback of the learning too. It has been great to hear that many of the children are able to access the learning independently.

So many of you have made wonderful dens and I love that some of you even slept in yours over night! Your geography maps have also been superb, with many of you using your daily exercise to help you with this task.

I hope that you have the best weekend you can in the current situation. Get some rest and enjoy precious time with your families.

Stay Safe and God Bless,

Miss Woodend

Year 3 Photos for Friday 17th April Learning from Home

Keep up the good work everyone, you are all doing a splendid job. Make sure that you remember to thank your mums and dads too. They are doing a fabulous job helping you with all of your work, sending the photos to us and writing lots of lovely emails explaining what you are doing. (Thank you parents this is really appreciated - it’s so important that we can keep that link with the children.) I can’t believe it’s the weekend again after today’s learning. Have fun together and remember to be kind and helpful.

Here are the photos sent to us for today…

Reception Home Learning - Friday 17th April

1. PE with Joe Wicks—A great way to keep active some point today. ( )

2. Phonics: Please keep practising any of the sounds you know that your child struggles with.

3. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book. Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding.

4. Purple Mash: Continue to practise your letter formation focusing on the sounds that your child struggles with.

5. Sum Dog: Final day to take part in this weeks challenges.

6.  Maths: White Rose: Please access Summer 1 Week 1—Day 3 Supertato:

7. English: Poem—Today I would like you to have a go at learning this little Spring poem. With the beautiful weather I thought it would be nice to create some lovely spring arts and crafts. Please see below for some ideas, there are plenty more online.

If you have an inquisitive learner you might like to explore why the poem says, “birds returning from the south.” You could even write a sentence and draw a picture about this in your yellow book.

Miss Bassett

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Friday 17th April

Happy Friday!

Just one more day of learning Year 2, you are all working so hard! Here are today’s English and Maths learning challenges. Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for your other learning.


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.

Also if you missed my blog before Easter, I have also signed all of the children up for a new reading resource called ‘Epic!’ reading. This resource is great as you can search for books depending on your child’s ZPD reading level and then you can access a quiz straight after reading the ebook. More information about how to use the resource can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section. If you are interested in accessing the resource, please send me an email - and I will then be able to send you an invitation link for you to create an account.


I thought that I would try something different for English this week. Purple Mash has a brilliant resource called ‘Serial Mash’ which we now have access to. This week all of the English tasks will be based on a story called ‘Max and the pirates of Puddleton Bay’ which I have set in the children’s ‘to dos’ on Purple Mash each day. By clicking the ‘to do’, you will have access to that day’s chapter and then other activities linked to what the children have read.

Read Chapter 4 and complete the activities. As this week was a short one, feel free to access Chapter 5 in your own time!

There are however, other activities linked to the chapter that I haven’t set as ‘to dos’. If you would like to access these, including some great spelling, punctuation and grammar activities, simple log into Purple Mash and click on ‘Serial Mash’. Then click ‘Diamonds’ and then find this week’s story ‘Max and the pirates of Puddleton Bay’. Here you will find the extra activities not included in your child’s ‘to dos’. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Let me know how you get on!


Don’t forget to have a go at the spelling challenge.

Today I have set the reading challenge:

Read words with blends.


Please access:

Summer Term - Week 1 - ‘Lesson 4 - ‘Measure Length (m)’ - by clicking here:

Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - Classify and sequence shapes

Also, if you haven’t already done so, please do complete your maths, spelling and reading training (found in the tasks section). This ensures that your child’s learning is given at the correct level, so please ensure that your child completes these independently.


If you have time and want to complete even more learning, see how much of your IXL you can complete! Choose to complete sections that you haven’t already completed.

Have a great weekend,

Missing you all!

Stay safe,

Miss Woodend

Year 4 home learning for Friday 17th April


Please complete your explanation/information text set yesterday, trying your very best - on Purple Mash.


Please make sure you have written some questions about soil and shared them with us on the blog. Tune in to the LIVE session at 10.30 on Monday morning here: (if you cannot make it at this time, you can watch later on) You will need a sample of soil from your garden or local area handy.

if you have a printer, you may wish to prepare, by printing this sheet below ready for your fieldwork on Monday:


Please read Chapter 6 of ‘The Sleeping Volcano’ on purple mash and complete the 2do Book review.


Complete the following challenges linked to division with remainders as mentioned in yesterday’s lesson. Answers will be on at 5.00pm. there is also a quick division game to play

Geography extra!

If you have finished all these activities, I would love you to draw a labelled diagram of a volcano - use the vocabulary from earlier in the week to label it. You could do this on 2animate Purple Mash