Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Monday 22nd June

Welcome to a new week of learning. Have a super day!


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.

Complete the comprehension below for chapter 2 of The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark - ‘Dark is kind’


This week you will have the opportunity to enjoy some of Oliver Jeffers’ most entertaining and thought-provoking books. You’ll even be able to have a go at writing your own in a similar style!

Day 1:

Watch and listen to the story ‘How to Catch a Star’ up to 3:40 mins by clicking the front cover below:

Talk about what has happened so far in the story. Can you recall all the different attempts the boy has tried to catch a star? Can you remember why each one hasn’t worked? Look back/listen again to check.

Imagine you are the boy in the story. Your task is to write a letter to an astronomer (someone who studies stars and space) asking them for help to catch a star.

Include all the things you have tried so far and why each one hasn’t worked. You can use the joining word ‘but’ to help you join the parts of the sentence, e.g. I tried to jump up and grab a star but it was too high.

You might want to use the introductory sentence and sentence starters below to help you:
Dear Astronomer, I’m writing this letter to ask for your help in catching a star! I’ve already tried a few things but none of them have worked!
First of all I tried …
Next I had a go at …
I’ve also …
I’ve even …
I’m beginning to think I will never catch a star!
Please can you help me!
Yours sincerely, Signature

Check all sentences for spelling and punctuation together. Return to the story (using the link above) and find out if the boy did eventually manage to catch a star!

Oxford Owl Spellings

Choose a spelling rule to focus on today.


Watch the ‘time’ learning video and complete the activity below.


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Purple Mash

I have set two games on Purple Mash for you to play this week:

Bond Bubbles and Sequence Snake


Unfortunately at the end of this week, our SumDog subscription will come to an end. Therefore this week, you can just simply enjoy playing the games that you have loved using in your learning throughout your time at home.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have a great day!

Miss Woodend

Year 4 Home learning for Monday 22nd June

Good morning Year 4!


For the next 2 weeks, we are going to be reading lots of Viking myths and practising lots of different reading skills along the way

Watch the video of me below - (Jinxy cat is in the background having a wash. Don’t let her distract you!)

Then watch the film ‘How Odin created the world.’

Then I would like you to recreate Yygrasil, the tree of life, drawing and labelling the different worlds as you go down the tree. I would love to see pictures of these - please send!


Today’s lesson is dividing 1 or 2 digit numbers by a hundred.

Remember what you know about place value. When you divide by ten all numbers jump one place to the right.

How many jumps to the right will you make to divide by one hundred?


Today you are going to be finding about the 7 Sacraments. Then I have set you a blank book template 2do in Purple Mash to make your own book about the sacraments.

  1. Read the information and then watch the video

  2. Create your book


Unfortunately, this week is our last week of being able to access Sum Dog. I have set you some decimals practice and some other things if you want to make the most of it, before the subscription runs out at the end of the week!

Year 2 Home Learning Weekly Challenges - Week Beginning 22/06/20

Welcome to another brand new week of learning Year 2. I wonder what new skills and knowledge you will learn this week?

Here are the weekly challenges. As always, the links and documents needed are underneath.

home learning challenges - wb 22.6.20.JPG

Have a wonderful week of learning!

Miss Woodend

Home Learning - Monday 22nd June 2020

Good morning Year 6. Welcome to our last 4 weeks of learning. As I said in the blog on Friday, we have two more weeks of formal learning followed by a week of transition and then a final week in school. On Friday, I will be in a position to tell you your form groups for St Bedes. I won’t be able to tell you which form it is, just who you will be with from our school.

Read more

Year 4 highlights for week ending 19th June!

Wow Year 4 - what a great week you have had! Look at all this wonderful learning and participation from so many of you. Enjoy watching your friends!

You have been brilliant in sports day this week - I wonder who will take the win??

As Miss Hornby has said in her blog, the teachers will be in school full time from next week so we won’t be as contactable. I will do my best to get back to your emails as quickly as I can, but please be patient with me.

Have a lovely weekend all of you and really well done for a fantastic week.

Next week….. Viking myths!! We will see what Thor, Loki and Odin get up to!!

Year 3 celebration of learning 15th June to 19th June

Wow, what a week. I have been blown away with your learning and your attitudes, receiving your emails really makes me smile. Your sports day entries have been fantastic and I’m excited to hear the results.

Well done Year 3.

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page, there’s lots to see.

Have a look at two of your friend’s predictions for part of the story of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.