Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Tuesday 30th June

Good Morning Year 2!

Here are your activities for today’s learning.


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Please note: From the 30th June, the school’s subscription changes and the EPIC reading resource will only be available for 2 hours across the week.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.


Day 2:

What is pink? by Christina Rossetti

Watch and listen to ‘What is Pink?’ by the Victorian poet Christina Rossetti: (click the picture below)

Listen again and pause to jot down any new words or phrases, e.g. fountain’s brink, barley bed, ripe, mellow. Discuss meanings, using a dictionary or Word Hippo to help you.

Discuss the ending of the poem. (What is orange? Why, an orange! Just an orange!) Why do you think Rossetti chose to use an orange instead of something else that might be orange in colour?

Today you are going to write your own version of What is Pink? If you are able to, go on a nature walk with an adult around your garden or local area. Act as a colour collector! What can you see that is each of the colours? What is each item/object doing? You may even wish to take a clip board or notepad out with you.

Write your poem using a similar structure to ‘What is Pink?’ using ideas collected from your walk, e.g. Start with a question: What is yellow? Answer the question: The sun is yellow: Describe the item or what it is doing: Light and bright and warm. Here is another example: What is green? The hedgerows are green, Home to nesting blackbirds and beautiful butterflies.

Remember to finish each question with a question mark. Check your spelling and try to use some noun phrases and adjectives (describing words) to help your reader to ‘see’ what you saw on your walk. Keep rehearsing your poem out loud as you write. Think carefully about how to finish your poem. You might choose to use the same finishing line as Rossetti with the orange!

Oxford Owl Spellings

Choose a spelling rule to focus on today.


Please access - Summer Term - Week 8 (w/c 15th June) - Lesson 2 - ‘Count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes’ and watch the video. Then, complete the activity below:


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.


Click the link below for lots of games and activities linked to this week’s shape learning.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have a great day,

Miss Woodend

Year 4 Home learning Tuesday 30th June


Today I would like you to watch the video below. After that, you have 2 tasks:

1. Create one Viking world - it could be a drawing, a collage, a painting or a mixture of all of them.

2. Write a create setting and character description of this world, using all the points I have asked you to include.


IXL today CC11 CC12 and CC13


Have a look at Mrs Curtis’s Art page to see what she wants you to do this week…


Today we will add the suffix ion or ssion to change verbs to nouns. Watch our spelling video then complete your Unit 13 sheets.

Optional extra!

Mrs Luty found this on the Natural History museum. It is a live session about volcanoes at 12.00 today! I think you can go to it and rewatch it if you miss it at 12.00. Have a look!

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Monday 29th June

Good Morning Year 2!

Here are your activities for today’s learning.


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Please note: From the 30th June, the school’s subscription changes and the EPIC reading resource will only be available for 2 hours across the week.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.

Complete the following reading comprehension for Chapter 3 - ‘Dark is Fun’


Poetry Festival - This week you will have the opportunity to read, perform and enjoy some entertaining poems written by famous poets. Using your own experiences as inspiration, you’ll innovate on some of these poems, using them as models in order to write your own!

Day 1:

Scissors by Allan Ahlberg

Read the poem Scissors here:

Now play the audio recording of the poem as read by Allan Ahlberg. Make connections with the poem. Discuss – Did you enjoy the poem? What is the role of the narrator in the poem? (teacher). What does the poem remind you of? Do I (your teacher) ever sound like this?!

Rehearse reading the poem aloud, as if you are the teacher. Try to use as much expression as you can. Don’t forget to use facial expressions and gestures too! You might start your reading very calmly and then become gradually more exasperated when the scissors can’t be found!

In the poem, it is scissors that have been lost. What tends to get lost in our classroom? E.g. glue sticks, whiteboard pens, sharpeners, pen lids, rulers, jumpers etc.

Write your own version of the poem, based on what is commonly lost in our classroom. You can use a combination of lines and phrases from the original poem with your own ideas and sayings too! E.g. Nobody leave the room.
Everyone listen to me.
We had twenty brand new glue sticks this morning, And now there’s only three!
Seventeen sets of glue sticks Disappeared from sight!
Class monitors – we need you to find them, We can stop here all night!

Keep reading your poem out loud to hear the rhythm and check it makes sense. It doesn’t have to rhyme providing it includes some entertaining phrases that I (your teacher) might say! Proof-read your poem to check for spelling and punctuation. When you have finished, perform your poem to those in your household. If you are able to, record it and send it to me at school. I’d love to hear them… they’ll definitely make me smile!

Oxford Owl Spellings

Choose a spelling rule to focus on today.


This week we are back on White Rose Maths.

Please access - Summer Term - Week 8 (w/c 15th June) - Lesson 1 - ‘Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes’ and watch the video. Then, complete the activity below:


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.


Click the link below for lots of games and activities linked to this week’s shape learning.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have a great day,

Miss Woodend