Year 3 Meet your teacher week! Monday 6th July Home learning

Dear Year 3 - it is meet your new teacher week. Watch my video below where I say hello!

Activity 1: Getting to know you.

Activity 2: Our learning skills - Concentration.

Activity 3: What we learn in Year 4-Science.

Our first Science topic after the Summer holidays is Plants. Mrs Lyons loves plants as you know!

I would like you today to find a flower or tree and do a detailed observational drawing of it. I hope the weather is nice so you can go outside to draw! If not, you could take a photo of the plant or find one on the internet. You can colour it too. If you want to draw more than one, that is fine too.

Now label all the parts of your plant. Send me pictures of your wonderful work at

Finally, there are lots of short Purple mash tasks all about plants in your 2dos. Complete these to begin learning about this exciting topic!

Extra activities today.

  1. Which IXL units have you not completed for Year 3? Pick one to do which interests you.

  2. Keep up with your reading. Make a commitment to read for 30 mins every day. I would love to know which book you are reading at the moment!

  3. 2type on Purple mash. It would be great if you could practise your typing each day to get nice and quick ready for Year 4! Start easy and get harder every day.

Year 1 - Meet your new teacher - Monday 6th July

Good Morning Year 1!

As you can see, this week is slightly different, as I (Miss Woodend) am taking over your learning page to get to know you a little more. This means that next year …. I am going to be your new Year 2 teacher! I am so excited!

Watch the video below for a quick hello!

Helping in our classroom next year is also going to be Mrs Connolly, who is also incredibly excited to get to know you!

Just like you have been used to over the past couple of months of home learning, I will be posting a sheet of activities that can be dipped in and out of throughout the week. I will also be posting a couple of activities each day for you to complete. The children at school will be completing exactly the same work as the children at home, so please don’t worry!

If you would like to contact me over the coming week, my email address is

I am looking forward to receiving your photographs and getting to know you all.

Here are the activities for you to access throughout the week:


Here are Monday’s daily activities:

Getting to know you!

Below I have attached a getting to know you sheet just like the one I used in the video. Please complete your sheet, thinking really carefully about all of your favourite things. This will help me to get to know you even more! If you are unable to print out the sheet, you could draw your own or create a poster and include all of your favourite things using the headings to help you. Once finished, take a photograph and send it to my email address. I can’t wait to find out all about you all!

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

During our time at home over the last couple of months, we have all had to put our trust in God and be as full of faith and hope as we possible could be in such different and difficult times. Therefore, the teachers at school decided that the best virtues to focus upon during the last two weeks of home learning would be faith-filled and hopeful.

Activity 1 - Walking by faith
1 person is to be blindfolded whilst another guides them from one point to another without bumping into anything. Before blindfolding, the guider will ask “Do you trust me to guide you? Do you have faith in yourself and in me to get from here to there without being able to see where you’re going? I will be with you for the journey and guide you along the way. Are you ready?”
The guider then guides the blindfolded person from point A to B. To make it more difficult, can the guider use only verbal directions?

Watch the video by clicking the link below:

Now discuss. How is this similar to following God? How is this like our spiritual walk in faith? Why do you think the Bible calls our spiritual life a ‘walk’? In what ways does God guide us? Is everyone’s journey the same? What ONE step will you take this week in your spiritual walk? Write this in your books or create an image on Purple Mash.

Extra Activities

Which Year 1 IXL sections do you need to complete before Year 2? Have a look and see if you can complete them all!

Purple Mash - Play challenge 1 of the ‘bond bubbles’ game I have set as a 2DO for you on Purple Mash.

Keep reading for at least 30 minutes a day. Maybe you could send me the name of your favourite book or author!

Practise your cursive handwriting using the sheet below as a guide to help you.

Have a lovely day,

Miss Woodend

Welcome to Year 3! Monday 6th July 2020. Meet your new teachers.

Good morning children and welcome to “Transition Week”.

This week we are going to be doing a variety of activities that will help us all to get to know each other a little better and to get ready for when you are in Year 3.

Next year the Year 3 team will be Miss Edmondson, Miss Brisco and Miss Woodrow. We are really looking forward to working with you and helping you to learn lots of new and exciting things.

Are you ready to get started on this week’s activities? 

Please send your photos to us this week and we will make them into a little photo movie at the end of the week.

Getting to know your teachers

To begin with, we would like you to watch the little videos that we have made to say “Hello!”.

Just press play on the video clips below.

Growing your Brain

Next year we will be really thinking about how we can make our brains grow even bigger and get even better at learning. We will be focusing on all of the learning characters and thinking about what we have to do to be more like each one of them.

Can you remember the names of all of the learning characters? There are 8 of them.

Each day we are going to be sharing the stories of 2 of them with you, and as the week goes on we want you to think which ones you are most like and how you can become more like the others.

Listen to the stories below, and think about how you can be like them today.

All about me - Purple Mash

We would like you to login to Purple Mash and use the “All About Me” template (it’s set as a 2Do) to create a fact file all about you.

We would like you to write and add pictures to tell us all about you.

You might want to tell us about your family and pets, your hobbies, what you like to do or what you have been doing since you were last in school etc.

Tell us about things that make you, you! Remember we are all precious in God’s eyes, but because we are all so special to Him, He made everyone of us a little bit different from everyone else. What makes you special and different from everyone else?

Please remember to save this so that we can have a look at it.

Faith-filled and Hopeful

When we return to school our virtues will be Faith-filled and Hopeful. What do these mean to you? How can you show that you are faith-filled and hopeful?

We would like you to create a piece of work (on an A4 sheet of paper) of what these mean to you.

You can show this in any way you like - you might want to decorate your work, once it is done keep it in a really safe place and keep it flat. We want you to bring it back to school in September so that we can use it then.


You will need a pebble for one of the activities later on in the week, so you will need to look out for one when you are out and about today. It doesn’t have to be huge but not too small either! Just a pebble that you have spotted and like the look of. (You might even want to get a couple of pebbles). More about that later on in the week.

Extra optional activities

Have a look at IXL maths and see which units you have not completed yet for Year 2. Try to complete as many of these as you can before September.

Read for 30 minutes each day and then take a quiz on Accelerated Reader. See if you can reach your target before the end of the term. Let us know the name of your favourite author and/or your favourite book. Maybe you could even write a book review on Purple Mash.

Practise your handwriting and make sure that you can form and join all of your letters correctly in the cursive style we use in school. Click on the button below to check on the correct formation of letters.

We hope that you enjoy today’s learning.

Don’t forget to send us photos of what you have been doing and we will share them all on Friday.

Take care and stay safe

Miss Edmondson, Miss Brisco and Miss Woodrow

Reception Photos Week ending 3rd July

I hope that you have all had a lovely week. I know the children who have been in school have thoroughly enjoyed themselves again and all teachers have been delighted with how the children are all working so enthusiastically.

Thank you for the lovely photos that you have been sending in - I hope you enjoy looking at them all - just click on the video below.

Children next week is going to be slightly different, as you will be having a taster of Year 1 with your new teacher - Miss Lane. I know that Miss Lane is so excited to be working with you all and I know that she has set lots of really exciting activities for you to do throughout the week.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend. Let’s hope that the weather improves a little!

Take care and stay safe

Miss Brisco and the Reception Team xx

'The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.' (Theodore Roosevelt)

Well Year 4, we have delved into the Viking world this week, with tales of gods and goddesses, treachery, love, betrayal and heroism. You have participated so well and I am very proud of you.

Poor Clayton this week has broken an ankle and James has re-broken his arm! I know you will join me in sending our love to them and quick recovery.

Next week, I am handing you over to your new teacher for the week. Please join in with all tasks if you can and have a lovely, different week! You will be back with me for the final week to celebrate all we’ve achieved this year - even in lockdown!

Here is a lovely video of your hard work this week.

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Friday 3rd July

Good Morning Year 2!

I hope you enjoy today’s activities! Today is going to be the final day of formal lessons posted by myself as next week, your new Year 3 teachers Miss Edmondson and Miss Brisco will be taking over. They will be setting some lovely activities so that they can get to know you and you can get to know them before coming back to school in September. Then, we will be using the final week of the term to reflect upon what we have learned throughout our time in Year 2 this year.


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources.  Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it. 

Please note:  From the 30th June, the school’s subscription changes and the EPIC reading resource will only be available for 2 hours across the week. 

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day.  Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books. 

Enjoy Chapter 4 … Dark is Necessary


Day 5:

Re-watch and/or reread Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen.

Look and listen out today for actions and vocal noises that really help to bring the poem alive! Return to look at your plan for your own version based on your chosen food. On your plan, jot down an action or noise that you too may want to include in a particular section, e.g. oooooommmm, mmmmmmm, nice. Remember, you can create your own too!

Write your own version of the poem based on your chosen food, using your plan to help you. Think carefully about how to sequence the events and phrases or noises you may want to use. You can use some of Michael Rosen’s and some of your own.
Keep re-reading back through your poem to check it makes sense.
Perform your poem for your household, making sure you too use lots of actions and noises to bring your performance alive! You may even choose to film your performance to send to me!

Oxford Owl Spellings

Choose a spelling rule to focus on today.


Complete the attached ‘true or false’ questions. Think carefully about what you have learned this week.


Which sections do you have left to complete?  Have a look and see how many you can get through.


Click the link below for lots of games and activities linked to this week’s shape learning.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

I hope that you have a lovely weekend with your families and enjoy getting to know your new teachers next week!

Miss Woodend