A message from Mrs Lyons!

Thanks for a lovely week!

Even though I couldn’t meet most of you in person, I do feel that we have got to know each other and I cannot wait to teach you in September. We will have a super year!

Thank you for all your hard work this week and I am sure you have reflected well about the type of learner you want to be! I loved all your slideshows and below is a video of some of your work this week - see if you can spot some friends!

I am handing you back to your Year 3 class teacher for the last week of the year next week.

Have a really lovely Summer and make sure you work towards your goal that you set. Keep reading every day! Next Friday, we will put a list of things you can be practising in the Summer.

But for now, goodbye and have a good final week,

Mrs Lyons x P.S Happy birthday to Kiefer and to Jayden on Monday!!!

Year 1 - Meeting your new teacher - Friday 10th July

Good Morning. Today is your final day of transition activities before Miss Lane takes over once again for your final week of learning as a Year 1.

As promised, here is a little video of me answering a few of your questions about Year 2. Thank you to my little Year 1 bubble for asking the questions so brilliantly!


Here are Friday’s daily activities:

Targets for next year

Below I have attached a hot air balloon template that I would like you to colour in colourfully and neatly so that it can be used on display in your new Year 2 classroom. If you are unable to print the template, feel free to draw your own. On the cloud in the middle, I would like to to write a target that you would like to achieve next year. That might be to improve your handwriting, know your number facts to 20 or to participate more in classroom discussions. It’s your target so make sure that you make it achievable for you! Once complete, take a photograph and send it to me via email. We will then look at these at the end of your time in Year 2 to see what ‘Keep Improving Isabella Insects’ you have been!

What can I do over the summer holidays to get ready for Year 2?

Your final activity of the week is to look at the list below and decide what you still need to work on in order to be ready for Year 2 in September.


I’m sure you will recognise the word lists attached below. Which set did you get up to? Which words do you still need to practise?

If you can read all of the words, can you spell them?

Usually, during the summer holidays, lots of you complete the library reading challenge. As everything is a little different this year, they are running the challenge online. Click the link below to sign up for the challenge (you will need a grown up’s email address).

To help with your choosing of books, I have attached a list of books that are great for Year 1 children. I know that you are very soon to be Year 2, but I thought it would be nice to see how many you have read already and if you could challenge yourself to read them all before September! Some you have already read in school!

Happy Reading!

Cursive Handwriting

Use the sheet below to ensure that you are forming your cursive letters correctly. If you can form them correctly, have a go at joining them together.

Recognising numbers

Access the number square below. Can you recognise all of the numbers to 100? Can you say how many tens and how many ones for each number? Can you say 1 less or 1 more than a given number? Can you say 10 more or 10 less than a given number?

Can you spell numbers 1 - 20 correctly? Ask an adult to help you.

Extra Activities

Which Year 1 IXL sections do you need to complete before Year 2? Have a look and see if you can complete them all!

Purple Mash - Play challenge 1 of the ‘bond bubbles’ game I have set as a 2DO for you on Purple Mash.

Keep reading for at least 30 minutes a day. Maybe you could send me the name of your favourite book or author!

I have LOVED getting to know you this week Year 1 and I CAN’T WAIT to teach you next year!

Miss Woodend

Year 3 Meet the teacher week Friday 10th July

Activity 1: Getting to Know you.

We are going to learn a new skill alongside getting to know you today. I am going to teach you how to make a quiz on Purple Mash. You can do a quiz about yourself! I will take it and see how I do!!!

Or you can do a quiz on something that interests you. I will model it in the video, then you can have a go.

Activity 2: Our learning skills - Resilience.

Watch the video about Sadie Spider today. She has an excellent approach to learning.

Activity 3: What we do in Year 4 - RE

Our school mission statement is ‘You are Precious in My Eyes.’ This statement is what God is saying to all of us. Watch the video below to see how precious you really are in God’s eyes.

Our school mission statement is not just about how precious you are to God. It also means that we must treat every other human being as precious - because we are ALL precious. No matter how old we are, where we live, what colour our hair is, what our personality is like - EVERY PERSON IS PRECIOUS and we strive to treat them like that in our lives.

Now create a school poster with this statement from Isaiah - YOU ARE PRECIOUS IN MY EYES. You could copy our school logo from the school website. Maybe you could do it in lots of different blues to represent our school.

Whilst you are drawing talk to a grown up. If you are so precious to God then everybody is precious to God. Therefore, how should we treat other people?

Extra Activities today

  1. Can you build or draw a spider web? Use your creativity to design one.

Why not put Sadie in it and her motto ‘Try, Try Try!’

2. Purple Mash 2do ‘AFish- matic’ This is a great game to play to practise your calculations. You need to make the target number by selecting the right calculation. Practise practise! This is a good one to do over Summer to practise your times tables.

Welcome to Year 6 - Day 5 of Induction Week

Good morning Year 5 - welcome to Friday’s learning! This is our final day of induction into Year 6, you are all more than ready to hit the ground running in September and I excited to get going. Today you have some IXL maths to complete and a piece of writing to complete. I love teaching writing and seeing what standard my class can write…show me exactly what you can do today. I have given you some hints as to the type of things I would like to see. Your writing will take time and patience. Please devote time to it today - this is your focus!

Keep your learning photos coming through.

Have a wonderful day of learning!

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Welcome Back to School

It feels like Christmas Eve - it is the same excitement. I am really happy that we will get our Year 6 family back together next week to celebrate and reflect on their primary school life. We know that this is not how we intended the year to be and that the children have missed out on some of the things that they were looking forward to. I am really hoping that we can make their final week in school full of smiles and laughter.

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Welcome to Year 6 - Day 4 of Induction Week

Good morning Year 5 - welcome to Thursday’s learning. We will be continuing our work on coordinates today and starting to think about our autobiographies - the planning stage is really important in any piece of writing. I have added some Geography in there too…South America will be our first geography topic.

Keep your learning photos coming through.

Have a wonderful day of learning!

Keep your learning photos coming through.

Have a wonderful day of learning!

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Year 4 Thursday 9th July Learning from Home with Mrs Hotchkiss

Thank you for all your thoughtful work related to our beautiful planet!!

Today we turn to our first topic in Year 5 - The Ancient Greeks! I believe you love history and you know all about the Vikings!!! At the beginning of Year 5 we study the Ancient Greeks. Unlike other groups in Ancient times these people didn’t really live in one country together. Greece is so mountainous and has thousands of islands that the population was split into lots of smaller cities. It was not easy to travel form one to the other and each island and “City State” had its own ruler and laws. These cities sometimes fought against one another too. We study the Ancient Greeks because so many parts of their culture (the way they lived) has influenced the way we live today (democracy and the Olympic games)! They were also great mathematician and inventors - they even invented the idea of history itself - recording events for people in the future to learn from.


Grab your English book ready to make notes. Write this subheading:

Who were the Ancient Greeks? Now click on the button to visit the BBC Bitesize page. Write down what you have learnt from this reading.


Once the Ancient Greeks moved past the dark ages they began to work more closely together and they invented the Olympic games!!! Again place a subheading in your English book and write down the key information for the BBC Bitesize page! Take this learning further. Click onto the Purple Mash link and visit your 2do’s here you will find a fact sheet to complete all about the Olympics - use your research to complete it!


The Ancient Greeks are not the only civilization to love sport! Girls we can join in this PE!!!! The Lancashire team have set us a new PE challenge this week. Click on the link below to take you to our school sports page. Mrs Gregan has faithfully helped us all stay active - thank you Mrs G !


One of the reasons we know so much about the Ancient Greeks is because Archaeologists has used artifacts and ruins to piece together a clearer picture (just like detectives). The Ancient Greeks used a lot of pottery and on those vases and jars they drew pictures of Live in Ancient Greece. Click on the button to study pictures of real ancient vases - can you see how they depict the Olympic games? I have also gven you a blank vase to print out or copy so that you can produce a vase of your own- what part of Ancient Greek life will you show? Take care with colour you have to use Brown/orange and black!!!


Time for you to visit Year 5 on IXL!!! Please complete J1 and J2 - remember click on Year 5 and not Year 4!!

If you have completed all the tasks today and have time to continue with your learning click the optional extra below:

Year 1 - Meeting your new teacher - Thursday 9th July

Good morning Year 1! Did you enjoy yesterday’s Playground Pal day? I hope you did!


Here are Thursday’s daily activities:

The School Prayer

Read the school prayer below with an adult.

school prayer.JPG

As you can see, our school prayer is missing a bit of colour and a few illustrations to match the words. Can you make an eye catching poster containing the school prayer? You can print the one out above and decorate it or can write out the prayer yourself using your beautiful handwriting. The most creative will be used on display in your new Year 2 classroom.

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

As we are coming to the end of transition week, I would like you to look ahead and think carefully about your hopes for next year. What do you hope for yourself? What do you hope for the world? Create a poster containing your hope using the Purple Mash template set as a 2DO. We will then be collecting together your hopes to create a lovely, whole school display for when you return to school in September.


Check Mrs Curtis’ blog for this week’s art activity. Have fun being a ‘Creative Kiki Chameleon!’

Extra Activities

Which Year 1 IXL sections do you need to complete before Year 2? Have a look and see if you can complete them all!

Purple Mash - Play challenge 1 of the ‘bond bubbles’ game I have set as a 2DO for you on Purple Mash.

Keep reading for at least 30 minutes a day. Maybe you could send me the name of your favourite book or author!

Practise your cursive handwriting using the sheet below as a guide to help you.

Enjoy your day,

Miss Woodend

Year 3 Meet the Teacher week Thursday 9th July

Activity 1: Getting to Know you - Your hobby!

Today, in Purple Mash, I would love you to make another slideshow. You did a brilliant job on Monday!

This time I want it to be all about a hobby that you have. This can be anything. Maybe you love football. Perhaps you love to bake. Are you a dancer or a gymnast? It could be something you are really interested in like dinosaurs, star wars or flowers. I want you to do a slideshow all about one hobby/passion.

I am so excited to find out what you really love!

Activity 2: Our learning Skills - Self-Improvement.

Activity 3: What we do in Year 4 - Art

As usual, have a look at Mrs Curtis’s Art page to find out your activity this week. You can send your pictures to Mrs Curtis, but I would love to see them too!

Extra Activities

Reading, reading and ALWAYS reading - make it your goal to be a reader that enjoys books every day!

Improving my skills in Purple Mash: Create a 3D maze.

Go on your Purple Mash 2DIY 3D and watch the video to tell you how to create a 3D maze. Like Clara Clownfish, see what you can notice and figure out for yourself as you create your own plan of your maze. When you press the play button, it will turn into a 3D maze! Like Lizzie Ladybird, see if you can make it better and better!

2type - Go on 2type and improve your skills ready for Year 4

2go - Complete the challenges in ‘Find the Treasure’ to get better at position and direction.