"She is more Mother than Queen." --Saint Therese of Lisieux,

Another very busy week in school - no matter where you visit, there are children diving into learning! They are also devoting time spiritually to Mary - our Mother. All round the school I’ve spotted classes sharing the Rosary together. One lunch time I even heard some friends in the worship area having a prayerful moment in a little worship station we created - Mary’s statue taking pride of place. Next Monday the children from Year 1-6 will be walking to Church to celebrate Harvest with the parish. The school choir will be performing a song they have practised during their Thursday evening sessions. If you would like to walk down to Church with us, please come into school straight after drop off as we will be setting off promptly.

We had a wonderful treat on Tuesday when Year 4 produced a super assembly! The children taught us about seed dispersal! Not only that, they also explained, through drama, what it takes to be a creative learner. We have 8 learning characters in school - Creative Kiki Chameleon is one of them and she is very imaginative and innovative! From the very beginning of Reception we teach the children all about the characters and how their behaviours help them, and us, to become really good learners. Find out more by pressing on the link below - this will take you to our “Learning Community Page”.

On Wednesday, the children looked very smart for their annual school photographs and in the afternoon our Year 6 children became tour guides as they showed prospective parents around school. If you would like to look around, please pop into the office or ring us on 01253 726 015 and book a tour for our second and final visit on Wednesday 2nd November 2-3pm

Parent Governor elections

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
— Coretta Scott King

When we advertised that there were two vacancies for parent governors on our governing body, I did not think that we would receive so many applications or that I’d have so many lovely conversations with people who want to make a difference to our school and the children we serve. My heart has been warmed by reading the biographies that our applicants have put together. There is a real sense of wanting to contribute in a positive way to the growth of our school.

I have received 8 applications and so now, the election process can begin. I have attached the eight biographies which you can access by pressing the button below. Please scroll through the two pages and read them all in their entirety. On Monday, the eldest child in each family will receive a small brown envelope with two ballot papers in it, one for each parent to vote. Please do vote for who you want to elect, pop the paper back in the envelope, sealed and return it to school. Each classroom will have a ballot box in it, there will also be one in the office if you want to post your vote personally. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children to learn about democracy too!

The ballot boxes will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, after this date they will be closed for counting. Our wonderful applicants will be informed of the outcome by the end of next week and the result will be announced in our final newsletter of the half-term. Please do vote and get involved in the process.
We will always be a community walking hand in hand for the greater good of our pupils and our school community.

Parents meeting - Friday 21st October ( Year 1 - Monday 17th October)

You are invited to book an online appointment to meet your child’s class teacher.

Thank you to everyone who has already booked (68% have already done so).

Please click on the link below if you still need to book.

Below the link to book is a guide to what to do on the day - you may want to print this out before Friday especially if you are new to this system

Office News

We are so nearly at half term and are going to make a final plea for dinner money accounts to be brought up to date by the end of next week. When we come back after half-term, we have 37 sessions leading up to Christmas and the Dinner money for the half-term will be £88.80 for KS2 dinners. Dinners are still £2.40 each and £12 per week.

We’re making a plea to Y4 and Y5 musicians to remember their Wider Opps. musical instruments next Monday – if they are forgotten , we have to ring or text parents, ask them to come in with an instrument and it can, we know, be very stressful for them to come rushing in in the middle of the day. Sometimes too, it’s quite hectic for us as situations arise to which we have to respond and minutes then tick away before we can deal with the forgotten instruments. So please children, get those instruments ready to bring in when you’re preparing for school on Monday mornings!

Finally the parking – we’ve had quite heavy complaints this week from neighbours and others who are really concerned about people parking dangerously and over double yellow lines and places where they ought not to be. This is a serious safety concern, we can’t let someone get injured or worse before we tackle this. We each and every one of us have responsibility for our own and one another’s safety. It is not neighbourly to park across people’s driveways. The situation has definitely deteriorated since our start and pick up times moved a little closer but we rely upon you all to park legally and considerately and if you have to park further away to park safely then please do so. We understand that complaints are being made to the Police but it shouldn’t come to people risking fines etc, we should be able to police our own behaviour in this matter. We thank you so much for your support in this matter.

Attendance Week 6

Well done Reception 100%!


Don’t forget the “Family Cinema Club” on Friday 28th October 1pm in the Parish Centre showing Disney's Spooky Buddies

For more Parish events please click on the link below.

Wednesday Word

Here is the Gospel to share with your family - there are three Sundays to cover half term.

Have a wonderful weekend and please remember the children break up next week on Thursday 20th October (normal times) for half term - returning on 31st October.