This Lent, I have set each class a challenge to produce a piece of artwork that shows a particular Station of the Cross. Being able to walk in the shoes of Jesus is crucial in our understanding as Christians. Each day we ask each other to show empathy and not judgement; to walk beside someone and not in front; to treat each other with kindness and compassion. The artwork will be displayed in the school hall for you to see when you visit school over the coming weeks. Towards Easter, there will be a quiet afternoon of reflection where you too can walk the Stations of the Cross in school, through the eyes of our children. Today in assembly, we talked about the covenants that God made throughout the Old Testament with Noah, Abraham and Moses; and how the new covenant is Jesus taking the sins of the world and saving us all.
One of the beautiful ways in which we complete the act of giving during Lent, is the swapping of Lenten Boxes. Throughout the week, each class has met up with their partner class to swap a box that has been made just for them. We hope that over the Lenten period, acts of kidness will be rewarded at home and by others all for the good of CAFOD. Class partners are such an important part of school life here. The older children act as a role model for our younger ones and they build a relationship that lasts a long time; often beyond school. If you manage to fill your lenten box before the end of Lent, bring it in and empty it, then go again. Let’s see how much money we can raise for CAFOD. The button below shows you all of the work CAFOD does and how you too can get involved this year.
At 9.30am Mass on Sunday, our First Holy Communion children will be welcomed into the parish at their special mass. They will be bringing with them their drawn pictures to be proudly displayed in the church during their time of preparation. It would be lovely to see as many members of our school family there as possible to support them as they start their preparations towards receiving the eucharist.
Parents’s Meetings and Book Looks
Next week sees the start of our Book Looks; your opportunity to come into school and sit with your child, looking at their wonderful work.
Monday 9am - Year 2 Book Look
Tuesday 9.10am - Reception Stay & Play Group 1
Wednesday 2.10pm - Year 1 Book Look
Thursday 9am - Year 3 Book Look
Thursday 2.10pm - Reception Stay & Play Group 2
In addition to Book Looks, it is now possible to book appointments for Parents’s Evenings; which many of you have done already.
The available appointments will be on:
Wednesday 13th March - from 2.00pm until 5.20pm (for all classes)
Wednesday 20th March - from 2.00pm until 5.20pm (for all classes apart from Year 4 due to Shakespeare)
Tuesday 26th March - from 2.00pm until 5.20pm (just for Year 4 parents)
Appointments can be booked from 3.30pm pm today by clicking on this link:
When booking, it is crucial that you use your child’s legal forename and surname – those recorded on our school management system. If any part of your child’s name is hyphenated, again it needs to be so when typing in their name. Your own name on Sims is now recorded with one of the following titles Miss, Mrs, Mr or Dr. The system will also ask for an email address so that a reminder can be sent out.
There are two links below which provide support on booking an appointment and how to access the virtual meeting. Please click to find out more.
If you are struggling, please contact the school office after half-term and we will be happy to help.
Learning Role Models of the Half-Term as voted for by their class members
Learning awards!
Demonstrating our virtues - curious & active!
A special Learning Award goes to this young man who is managing to survive Mrs Gregan’s 1:1 tuition on a weekly basis! We are so very proud of him; the courage and resilience he has shown this past year is a lesson for us all. To be wanting to learn and keep on top of it is remarkable. I know you are all just as proud as we are!
Lytham Heritage Prize Winner
If you haven’t popped into Lytham Heritage Centre yet, you really must. The art work that is on display from all of the children across the Fylde Coast is fabulous - just wonderful.
All of our award winners have their artwork on display very proudly. A huge congratulations to this young lady who was named overall winner and who received her certificate at the awards ceremony on Tuesday.
A big thank you to Miss Neves who has provided the support for the children to be able to do what they have done. She gives her time selflessly. We are very lucky to have her.
Our Weekly Attendance
Office News
As we are coming to the end of the school financial year, it would be greatly appreciated if your school dinner accounts could be settled on ParentPay as soon as possible. May I also bring your attention to the various class trips coming up and these need settling on ParentPay as well please. Another gentle reminder too of our absolutely vital School Building Fund ~ your support here is invaluable and will be live on your Parent Pay account. Thank you for your support with this.
World Book Day is on the 7th March and to coincide with this we have arranged a Book Fair on Friday 1st March, Monday 4th March and Tuesday 5th March. These will be from 3:30 - 4:00pm in the school hall. Children will be issued World Book Day tokens on the Friday morning before the Book Fair. These are worth £1 each and can be used at the Book Fair towards any books purchased.
Have a wonderful weekend ~ hopefully we will see more of the beautiful sunshine that has appeared this week.
Next week sees the return of clubs across the school from Reception to Year 6. Please make sure you have checked the timetable and know what the drop off and pick up times are for them. There is some really lovely events this half term that you will all be a part of:
World Book Day - Thursday 7th March - favourite character costume and magical item
The Choir taking part in The Big Sing at Lowther on Tuesday 5th March
Year 4’s Performance of Romeo and Juliet with the Royal Shakespeare Company on Wednesday 20th March
Year 1 Performing The Gruffalo dance at Marine Hall Fleetwood for the Tea Dance Festival on Tuesday 26th March
So much to look forward to.
Finally, our Year 5 eco-team took delivery of the new school bins that they had raised money for on Green Day. We have 2 blue bins and 1 green recycling bin proudly placed on the school playground. Thank you for your considerate work Year 5 in making our school a better place to be.
Have a wonderful weekend with your families. Let’s hope that Spring has officially sprung and the better weather is coming.
God bless
Mrs Gregan