In assembly this week, we talked about a sense of belonging. Who do we belong to? What does it mean to belong? Why is it important to belong? Through the covenant that God shared with us; his son Jesus, we too belong to the Christian community. Next week, we will start to see that covenant come to life as our children share their portrayal of Holy Week. This is such a special time of the liturgical and school year which we urge you to attend if you can. Starting next Friday, there will be five opportunites to see the story of Holy Week unfold:
Friday 22nd March - Palm Sunday told by Year 2
Monday 25th March - The Last Supper told by Year 3
Tuesday 26th March - Garden of Gethsemane told by Year 4
Wednesday 27th March - The Crucifixion told by Year 5
Thursday 28th March - The Resurrection told by Year 6
Each portrayal will start at 9.15am in the school hall. These assemblies are part of our prayer and liturgy in school and the children will come into the hall having started that in class. Please use this time to reflect yourselves. We are often so busy in our lives, this is the perfect opportunity to be silent and calm.
You may remember that a few weeks ago I shared the images of the beautiful Stations of the Cross that each class had designed and made. It was so lovely to see so many of you admire them as part of book looks. Next Friday, 22nd March, instead of our whole-school assembly, the school hall and chapel will be open for you to come and visit for yourselves. The lights will be dim and there will be the opportunity for you to use the images to pray the stations of the cross. Following this, the chapel will be open to see the prayer station in there. Many of you will not have been in our chapel before. If you are able to, please do come into school next Friday at 2.30pm - we would love to see you.
Learning Role Models of the Week
Learners of the Week
Learners of the Week
Demonstrating our virtues - loving and compassionate
Nursery Consultation
I have really enjoyed the many conversations that I have had about the planned nursery conversion taking place and what a wonderful opportunity it is. Don’t forget that the consultation window is open if you have any questions at all.
Our Weekly Attendance
Office News
Trips are the perfect opportunity for you to get involved as parents and grandparents. Our classes need a certain number of adults for ratios, and we need you to make that happen. If you see a trip pop up on your child’s class page and adult support is needed, please do get involved. Trips are magical and the children have so much fun. We have a number of grandparents who support all trips in school. If you are someone who could do that and be a support for trips beyond your child’s classroom - or you have a grandparent who could - please complete this form below so that we can add you to our school contact. Thank you all so much.
Today, we had a large group of parents and grandparents who have supported our Year 1 and 2 children on their trips to the beach and Blackpool Zoo.
Please do fill in the form below if you are able to help and support.
Our wonderful Year 1 helpers who braved the windy weather on St Beach this morning; all for the good of a spot of geography fieldwork.
Thank you to all of the parents who attended our first parents’s evening this week. The conversation between school and home is so important. There are so many ways in which we can help the children become the best versions of themselves; the conversation that you have with your child’s teacher will help that. The staff team in this school are remarkable and go above and beyond for the children and families here. We are incredibly blessed.
In the final week of the term, I will be sharing our new approach to homework. This follows on from the comments that we receive at the end of the academic year when reports go out. We hope that this new way will allow you to focus on the skills that the children need, whilst allowing the wider curriculum to be acknowledged too.
I am so proud of the things that the children do beyond school and the confidence that they show in lots of different ways. Next weekend, a large number of our children will be performing in Alice in Wonderland at our Parish Centre. If wasn’t away with netball, I would be requesting a front row seat as I know how brilliant this performance will be. If you are able to attend, please do. Click on the link below to take you to the booking’s page.
Don’t forget about the number of events that are taking place this half-term to support you with the wrap-around care that you may need. CN Active are running their sports camp at Heyhouses School, with places really limited now. Do book if you need a space.
In assembly today, we had a fabulous display of irish dancing by Rosa. In celebration of St Patrick’s Day, Rosa performed beautifully for us all to The Lord of the Dance.
Have a lovely weekend and happy St Patrick’s Day to all of you who commemorate it.
God bless
Mrs Gregan