“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me.”

What is the greatest king that has ever been? What does a great king look like? There have been so many that have ruled countries and empires, but which ones were the greatest. In today’s assembly, we have looked at the roles a great king has. It is someone who unites, cares, defends, protects and leads by example. In Matthew’s gospel, it is Jesus who is all of these and who is truly the greatest King. We have talked about behaviour in school and about when we show each other kindness and love, we are in turn doing the same to Jesus.

“Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored - you did it to me.”

Next week sees the arrival of Advent and the arrival of the Christmas tree in school. Songs of all nativities are filling the hall - the office is truly a beautiful and reflective place to be at this time of the year. Over the next few weeks, we will gather more and more as a school community to prepare ourselves for the coming of the biggest of miracles in such a tiny baby. Each class will be going to mass during Advent, why don’t you see if you can walk with them when they do go. Nativities will be starting the following week and in next week’s blog, I will let you know what you can expect and how school will operate during the nativity season. Each performance is part of prayer and liturgy - it is central to our school and faith.

Leading Learners and School Virtue Role Models

Learning Role Models

School Virtue Role Models

Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 1 this week - 98.3%. Our whole school attendance was 96.2%

News from the Office

The office is becoming more and more like Santa’s grotto as we start to prepare for Christmas parties and Bake Offs! The Foundation and KS1 Nativity tickets are on sale. Please send in your return slip in a named envelope with payment with your child. You will receive a text when the tickets are ready for collection from the school office. There are already a number of tickets ready for collection. Rehearsals for the nativities have already begun and it already promises to be a very special time! 

School photos went home earlier this week. If you still need to place your order you can still do so. For free delivery to school on your child’s photographs order online by Thursday 30th November.  Please order via the Tempest website using your unique link or visit   www.tempest-orders.co.uk. Call 01736 751555 for assistance.

Thank you to those parents who submitted their interest in the Parent Governor role. These will be collated over the weekend and a separate blog will appear on Monday where you can read the biographies. Voting slips will also go out on Monday for you all to cast your vote.

The Great Our Lady Bake Off

On Friday 8th December, our Christmas jumper day, we will also be hosting the very first Our Lady Christmas Bake Off as a fundraiser for our school. The cost for the day will not exceed £5, depending on what your child chooses to take part in:

Christmas Jumper = £1 donation

Christmas Bake Off entry = £3 entry fee

Cake Sale Purchase = £1

In the afternoon of the 8th, from 2pm, we would like to invite all family and friends into school for ‘Carols and Cake.’ The tree will be up and the lights will be lit. There will be the opportunity to buy some cake, have a hot drink and listen to our choir sing to get you into the festive mood. Please can you complete the form below if you are planning on coming, and also if you are bringing additional guests. We can then ensure that we have enough in place to cater for everybody.

Next Wednesday, 29th November, Mrs Lyons and a few Year 4 will be hosting a reading coffee morning and workshop. She will be providing lots of practical ideas about how you can support your children with reading at home, what fluency looks like and text selection. We are incredibly proud of all of our children and their love of reading. If you have a child from Reception through to Year 6 and you want to know more, please come and get involved.

When the Our Lady family grows, we are always so excited. On behalf of the whole school community, I would like to send the warmest of congratulations to Miss Bassett and her beautiful family on the arrival of their little girl. She kept her mummy and daddy waiting until the very last minute but they do say good things come to those who wait - the very best of things. We have tried to convince Miss Bassett that a real baby Jesus in the nativity would be the icing on the cake - watch this space!

Have a lovely weekend with your families. St Annes Christmas Light Switch on is tomorrow, I hope many of you can wander down and enjoy the festive spirit.

God bless

Mrs Gregan