Welcome back to the final half term...

Welcome back to our final hal term together before we finish for the Summer holidays in July. I hope that you have all had a lovely break with your children and families, there are certainly some golden tans on show in school today. This half term, we are looking to be grateful and generous. As we complete our school year together, the summer term is an ideal time to look back and be grateful for all of the experiences that we have experienced this year. Our staff team are unbelievably dedicated and so kind; I personally want to thank them for what they have given so far this year; they really do go above and beyond.

The final half-term is filled with special times that create memories: sports days, school trips, ranger visits, sporting competitions and the end of year play in July. Please keep an eye on the school newsletter each week and the dates section of the website to find out all of the information and what is coming up.

Sports Days

Mr Cornwell has been busy planning this year’s Sports Days. This morning, for the first time in a long time, we have had a track painted on the school field. Practise is well and truely underway! Please check the following dates for this year’s Sports Afternoons:

  • Tuesday 11th June at 1.30pm - Year 5 & 6 Sports Day

  • Wednesday 12th June at 1.30pm - Year 3 & 4 Sports Day

  • Tuesday 18th June at 1.30pm - Nursery & Reception Sports Day

  • Wednesday 19th June at 1.30pm - Year 1 & 2 Sports Day

As with the good old British weather, we cannot rely too much on forecasts. It is looking dry and bright this week; hopefully we will be able to get this week’s event completed. The children are always the priority and we want to ensure that they enjoy the events. If there has been rain or it is forecast, we will look at how safe the ground is for them to compete. If we need to postpone the event because of the weather, we will do so at 11am. This will give all parents the chance to rearrange work or to make plans. It has been deliberate to put the events in quickly when we have returned, just incase there was any rearranged ones needing to take place.

Just a reminder that we are collecting for The Manchester Children’s Hospital in honour of our Dominic. Please bring change with you for our collection buckets!

Parent Governor Role

As mentioned before half-term, we need a new Parent Governor to join our governing body. I am extending the deadline to this Friday as we have had lots of people away over half term. Our school needs you! If you think that you could support us with the governance of the school in the next four years, please can you send a 150 word biography to Mrs Gregan at head@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk by Friday please. There is some really exciting opportunities and progressions coming up, we need people on board to help us steer the ship that we have created!

Board Game Club

There appears to have been a problem with the link to Year 2 and Year 4 Board Game Club which will start next Monday on the 17th June. Please find it below.

Please note, there will be no club on Monday 24th June, it will recommence on Monday 1st July.

We all did so well to keep the roads quiet around school during May; it was much safer for everybody in our community. Just because the class rewards have stopped, that does not mean that we cannot continue our good work. Please do try to park further away from school and walk, scoot or cycle. We have shown that we can do it - let’s continue!

Here is to a wonderful (hopefully sunny) summer together. There will be a number of transition events for the children to also meet their new teaching teams for next year, these will be arranged gradually.

Kind regards

Mrs Gregan