The image of a lighthouse has been one that has become a real symbol of our school in recent years; so much so that a we have had a number of requests to have one built in our school grounds. Throughout each week, we have reflected on how we can shine our light brightly, the light that we have been given by God, as followers of faith; ultimately bringing the Kingdom of God alive here on earth. Each week, when we listen to the Gospel message, we are reminded just how we can do this, that we aren’t on our own, but that we have others who will help us and shine their light brightly for us to follow. In the very simplest of definitions, a lighthouse is a tower, building or another type of physical structure which has been designed to emit light, and serve as a beacon to navigate. Quite often, a lighthouse can mark a dangerous coastline, that has proved hazardous previously as a warning. Throughout the bible, light is used to symbolise God, faith and holiness through scripture; in fact it is mentioned more than 250 times; and another 100 times in the Catecism of the Catholic Church. For us - God is light.
Father Peter, is our lighthouse; not merely our physical structure, but our being who has been called to emit God’s light so brightly here on earth. He shines his light so very brightly as a beacon for us all. We are so very blessed that his vocation brought him to us and for the last 10 years, he has given of himself completely. Whether it has been through his sermons on a Sunday which so many of us hear, when the school community comes to celebrate mass, or when he calls into school to spend time with us in prayer, God’s light radiates from him. Just like a lighthouse, he helps us all to navigate the lives that we have been called to live and how we have been called to serve.
The gifts that we have chosen and made for Father Peter were created by the entire school family, each one a symbol of our gratitude fo what he gives to us. Each class designed and made something that they thought linked to him - they were really beautiful. If you look really carefully, you will see Father Peter wearing a stole that we have had personally made for him to show that he belongs to our family and is precious in our eyes.
Learning Role Models of the Week
Virtue Butterflies - Children being Learned and Wise
Learning Role Models
Student Council Meeting
On Monday, I met with our Student Council to discuss areas of school life that we can improve further and to create the direction in which we want to move to next. There was two main topics of conversation:
Road Safety around school
Playground equipment and creativity
The children all shared that they didn’t feel safe with the way people drive and park around school and we explored what can be done about it. The children have decided that they were going to make their own flyers to encourage people to park safely. You may see some of the children in hi-vis jackets next week handing you a flyer. Please do have a read and be a positive influence on the safety around school.
The council have also decided to hold a ‘Walk, Scoot, Cycle or Skate’ to school month during May. We want to encourage all members of our school community to get involved. If you drive to school, could you park a little bit further away so that you could walk in and quieten the roads? There is the Parish Centre car park that can be used or even just further down the road. Do you have bikes or scooters in your shed that need their cobwebs brushing off?
Each day during May we are going to tally this in each class and create a whole school picture. We really are counting on you to keep our roads around school safe.
The second thing that they talked about was playtime outside. They want a variety of equipment to use that isn’t the ‘norm’. Den building, scooting, small word, gardening - the list goes on and on. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at this more and trying to organise how this is possible.
Our Weekly Attendance
The school calendar for this term is now populated on the main page. There is lots of opportunites for the children and events taking place. I am currently working on the calendar for 2024/2025 with the hope of releasing all of the important dates and events for the year in September. You will also receive the holiday list for the following academic year, giving you plenty of time to get your diaries organised for the year ahead. Hopefully the more notice we can give you on things, the more available that you will be.
Notice - there is no breakfast or after school club on Thursday. St Thomas’s Parish Centre is being used as a polling station. Please ensure you have made alternative arrangements. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend with your families.
God bless
Mrs Gregan