Love Him with all your heart, with all your understanding and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself.'

In school, you will know that the theme of light permeates through everything that we do and who we are. We constantly talk about how we can shine our light with others and what this looks like as human beings. As the rest of the school arrived back on Monday following their half term break, our Year 6 children headed off to the Lake District to experience 2 nights at Castlerigg. Castlerigg Manor is the Diocesan retreat for young people. It is a place full of love, kindness and spirituality - we experienced all of those this week. Although the theme of the retreat was, ‘Let your light shine.’ We very much looked at how we get light and who gives it us. It was really special to hear the children speak about all of the people who give them light in their lives. At the end of each day, we visited the chapel for night time prayer and mass, led by the Castlerigg chaplin. I talk to the children frequently about how they might not remember specific lessons or conversations that they have whilst they are at school, but they will remember how it made them feel. I truly hope that the Year 6 children remember how they felt during their time at Castlerigg - we have also already booked for our current Year 5 when they are in Year 6. Below is a snapshot of our time there together.

STAR Charter

You may remember at the start of this year, we launched our STAR Charter. This is a way that the children see just how much they can give to their community and the change they can be. For the main charter, this will be completed in class, where they will be given the opportunity to complete 5 different acts. But there is an addional level, for those children who go above and beyond outside of school. Below are some images from a family who have started their charter award and the volunteering act that they commited. By helping clean the war graves ready for Remembrance Sunday, and litter picking, they have contributed to their community. Throughout the year, if your children complete any volunteering acts, please do let us know and take photos to go towards their STAR Charter Distinction.

Speaking of STARs, a huge thank you to Mr Heyes who has made a mud kitchen for our Forest School. I think you will agree that it is fabulous! Miss Lavelle has been away from school this week on her assessment for being a leader, we cannot wait to get started and think about what we will do next!

Before half term I shared the success of the playground zones that we have created in school and how much the children are getting from them. This week, we took delivery of three wooden, hexagonal tables that are now on the playground. This will allow the children to build on them, play small world and cars etc.

If you have any of the following at home, and no longer need it, then please do bring it into school:

  • Duplo

  • Cars and garages

  • Dinosaurs

  • Scooters

I also spoke about mud and how we need to become a mud friendly school. There is lots of ways we can do this to enable the children to still access the playground and field in the winter months. Please can you send in an old pair or trainers or wellies that the children can wear when they are out and about, they can then change them in school. Also an old coat that they can wear when they are den building. This is the most popular area and we want the children to use it. These things can live on the children’s pegs in school. I have bought all of the classrooms a sweeping brush for mud to keep our cleaning team happy, and a cordless hoover for stubborn bits. We will continue to evolve this over the next months and years.

Book Looks

Don’t forget our book looks start next week. Now that you have had these chats, you need to come into school and sit with your child. They want to share their work with you and to talk about their learning. The dates and times for these are below:

7th November: Year 2 Book Look @ 9am

7th November: Year 3 Book Look @2.15pm

8th Novmber: Year 5 Book Look @ 9am

13th November: Year 6 Book Look @ 2.15pm

14th November: Year 1 Book Look @ 9am

14th November: Year 4 Book Look @ 2.15pm

For our children in Reception, there will be an opportunity to come and stay and play with your child. Miss Drummond will contact you directly about these times.

STARs of the Week

Fundraising in School

Thank you so much to those parents who have downloaded the Easy Fundraising App, in one week there has been £10 worth of donations to the school from various companies. If you haven’t downloaded it or allocated to our school, please do. This is of no cost to you - just from the businesses that you online shop with. They pay a % of your shop to school via a donation - it is really easy to do! In the run up to Christmas, now is the time to do it! Our supporters are growing which is wonderful.

There a lots of events after half-term for the children to be involved in. On Friday 15th November, we will have our annual PJ Day for our local children in need - Brian House. In the run up to Christmas, we will also be bringing back the old Our Lady raffle as well as the Christmas Bake Off! We will be on the hunt for amazing donated prizes; so please get thinking and collecting! Christmas Bake Off will take place on Friday 13th December. The day will be all things cake, cake sales and Christmas jumpers!

Office News

I can’t believe just how quickly our contractors are working on the kitchen extension and how quickly things seem to be happening. I am trying to document each stage of the process and we have a large display in school for the children to see the progress and to know what is happening week by week. Just a reminder that we have a new menu below for the Autumn/Winter until Jacqui relocates to St Thomas’s.

All of our extra-curricular clubs start next week and the clubs are all now full - which is great. There is still space at the judo club which is being run by Judo Education. So far 14 children have signed up for the club which means they will be competing and grading. Do sign up if you are able to.

We have added more places to some of our busier after school club sessions. If you do require wrap around care, please contact Mrs Nel in the office and she will be able to assist.

Our Weekly Attendance

  • Reception
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6
  • Reception
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6
Well done to Year 4 this week with 99.6%. Our whole school attendance for this week is 90.4%

Please do not worry that school photographs have not taken place, these are taking place in the Spring this year (both individual and class for Reception & Year 6) and will be outside instead of in the hall. We will let you know the date when we return after Christmas.

God bless

Mrs Gregan
