Happy New Year and welcome back to school. I don’t think anyone expected the cold, snow and icy conditions that we have had this week to stay around for so long; another one of my jobs has been to salt the playground. Our school grounds are beautiful, and even more so when they are glistening in the sunshine. I hope that you have all had a restful Christmas and that you managed to make some new memories with your family and friends. Christmas is such a busy time, but with it, we get a new sense of renewal and hope in the birth of Jesus Christ. We started our week in school by reflecting on the events of the Epiphany and what it meant for the Wise Men to visit the crib with their gifts. What our nativities showed us was that each character brought something different from themselves; curiosity, generosity, faith, compassion - and so many more. Just what we are trying to do in school.
In assembly today, I asked the question, “Does the size of a seed determine the size of a plant?” This led us into the discussion of the mustard seed and how the smallest seed would grow into the largest of trees. George helped me plant a seed - let’s see if it will grow! Like a small mustard seed, acts of kindess too can be small but can grow into something amazing.
Faith-filled and Hopeful
With a new half-term, we have a new set of virtues that we are looking at. This half-term, we are trying to be faith-filled and hopeful. In assembly today, we tried to understand the Parable of the Mustard Seed; and how something so small can grow to be something so big. Faith makes us believe that anything is possible. we must have faith in ourselves, each other and our community. Hope is something that shines brightly. It ensures that we never live in darkness, but that we continue to move forward towards the light. What do you hope for in 2025? How will your faith enable this to happen?
Our next family mass will take place on Sunday 2nd February at 9.30am. The last two have been really special. If you can attend and you child would like a role, please complete the form below. Again, as in the previous masses, I will rotate things around to give all children the chance to take part over the year. Next Friday our Year 1 children will be attending the Parish Coffee Morning. We would love for some of our parents & grandparents to walk down.
Myhappymind - An Attitude to Gratitude
So far this year we have Met the Brain; learning all about it, and we have also learnt how to celebrate our strengths and who we are as a person. We are now ready to meet Arabella - our APPRECIATE strand. In this module, the children and staff will learn:
How to develop an Attitude of Gratitude
How to be grateful for others, experiences and ourselves.
How giving and receiving gratitude makes us feel.
Don’t forget to download the parent app so you can echo the key messages at home.
Our Mini-Vinnies need you!
As it is so cold outside, our Mini-Vinnies would like to collect warm clothes, blankets, scarves and hats for the homeless. From next week, there will a box at the entrance to school where you can pop anything that you have at home; that you no-longer need. Items of all shapes and sizes are welcome.
Don’t forget about the Food Bank too! We have thought about how we can support our local food bank more and each month, we are going to ask for just one thing. In January, it is tinned soup. Please add a tin to your shopping list and bring it into school - it can be popped on our food bank shelves at the front of school.
Forest School in Action
And so it has started! In the beautiful grounds of our school, Forest School has started led by Miss Lavelle and supported by Mrs Tierney and Mrs Krol. Our Reception children have started their sessions by exploring the grounds, making dens and toasting marshmallows around the camp fire; not forgetting to ensure that our grounds are litter free. We are really excited about this addition to our school and how over the coming years, all children will benefit from the school.
We are in need of some spare clothing for Forest School. If you have any spare all in one suits, puddle suits, waterproof trousers etc at home, please do bring them in for us to have as spare. We are also still on the collection of scooters for the playground - thank you so much for your support.
Shining the way this week…
Office News
Our Weekly Attendance
There is a lot going on this term, with trips galore and visits into school. There are class assemblies for Year 1 & Reception; as well as the beautifully poignant Easter liturgies that take place from Year 2 - Year 6. All of the dates for this term are now on the website; more will be added in the coming weeks for book looks following Parents’ Day on the 14th February.
We are hopefully into the final few weeks of the kitchen build; with the completion date at half term (fingers crossed). This will add so much more to our school; along with the launch of a new menu.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the All Stars programme and been in touch to confirm places this week. There was so many changes last term, and whilst it is all still very new for us, we needed all places to be reconfirmed so that everyone knew what was what; and what was available. The office team spend a lot of their time ensuring that the registers and payments match; thank you so much for your patience and for being on the ball. We really do appreciate it.
Don’t forget clubs start next week. Thank you everyone who has signed up - they have proved very popular. The Year 2 & 3 multi-sports is now full; there are a few places left in the other clubs.
Finally, over Christmas we have lost two very much loved members of our school community; Paul Boustead and Mary Webster. Many of you will know Paul as father to Stanley who left us for St Bedes in the Summer. Paul was an adventurer and loved being in the outdoors, on his bike and with his dog. Over the holidays, Paul ventured up Helvelyn in the Lakes, and very sadly fell. On behalf of us all, I have sent condolences to his family and our prayers too. I know many of you will be part of his wider football family too and will have fond memories of him and will be supporting the family as best as you can.
Mary has been part of the Our Lady family for over 20 years as both her grandchildren attended school and Mrs Webster joined us as a teaching assistant. Personally, Mary was a close friend of my grandparents too. In the years that have followed, she always attended mass on a Sunday, class mass on Feast Days and Christmas celebrations at school - she loved Our Ladys and found comfort in our mission here. Mary passed away peacefully on 27th December, aged 92, surrounded by her family. Again our condolences and prayers are shared with her family and friends at this time - she was very much loved and we thank God for looking after her. We pray that he continues to look after both Paul and Mary as they journey ever closer towards him and continue to watch over their loved ones in their grief.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
God bless
Mrs Gregan