"All it takes is one good person to restore hope."

It only seems two minutes since we were celebrating Christmas together, and yet here we are, at the half-way point of the school year. As I sat in Mass yesterday morning, and listened to Father Peter tell us all about the jubilee logo; how it was about people coming together and being anchored by faith - even when the waters can become a little rocky; I just thought about our school. That no matter what happens, we are all anchored by faith and our call to do good.

In this Sunday’s Gospel, we will hear how Jesus announced to His disciples what it is that made them blessed. God the Father sees us all and nobody is forgotten; if we trust in him and focus on God’s way to true happiness. I wonder what makes you happy? What is true happiness and what are your priorities in life?

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are those who suffer persecution for righteousness' sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

When we come back after half-term, we will be into Lent. On Wednesday 5th March, we will be going to Mass for Ash Wednesday and starting our Lenten pilgrimage. Each year we ask the children to make a Lenten box for their partner in another class so that acts of kindness can be rewarded and all money raised will be for CAFOD. This is a lovely half-term task. Why not make your Lenten box ready for Ash Wednesday.

Discussing all things Learning

Thank you all for your attendance at today’s parent and teacher meetings. They are absolutely crucial so that you are fully aware of what amazing things your child has achieved so far this year and what areas they need help in too. I know the teachers all enjoy talking to you, and I hope the addition of this year’s mid-year report added an extra layer of information for you all and something you can discuss further with your child at home. There will be opportunity to come and sit with your child to look at their work again during the summer term as part of our book looks - I know how much you enjoy doing this with your child.

As always, we welcome any feedback, and instead of just at the end of the year, there is another opportunity here as well. I am particularly interested in your thoughts on uniform. It has been some time since we have thought about uniform, bar the introduction of the school hoodies which has been a great success. I do want the children to come to school and be smart; representing the school as ambassadors. This is why we have changed items to just navy blue (no black) and school trainers need to be set colours. But this must also be balanced with cost too; which I am incredibly mindful of. I made the decision this year to remove the badged polo shirt from compulsory uniform, but they are still available for choice. The plain polo shirts are replaceable and still look smart alongside the jumpers and cardigans, however, I am really interested in your thoughts on this and would encourage you to complete the form below. I can then collate findings to share with you after half term and then evolve going forward.

Office News

Thank you to everyone who has settled their payments on Parent Pay for this half term. Please can you all make sure you have visited your child’s account by the time that they have returned to school and cleared them - thank you. Mrs Nel will then add any additional items after half-term and calculate All Stars fees for the second half of the Spring term will also be added.

The kitchen is in its final stages and by the time the children will return following the holiday, the kitchen will be open. However, there has been one little glitch; the electricity power from Electricity North West has not been transferred in time; meaning the kitchen will not be fully operational until the middle of March. This means that we will continue with the menu we have now until this time, but it will be prepared in our kitchen with what we can use. I am seeing this as a blessing in disguise so that we can get to grips with the new space before being over whelmed with a new menu and three options. The kitchen looks wonderful - it is really spacious. They say an army marches on it’s stomach - the same can be said for the children and staff of Our Lady Star of the Sea! We will be changing the timetable after half term too for the children to eat and then go out. There will be a staggering of times and a chance for flexible eating. It is really exciting.

Our Half-Termly Attendance

Well done to every class who is now above 90%

School Events After Half-Term

There is an awful lot happening after half-term as we build up to Easter. Don’t forget about World Book Day on Thursday 6th March. There is no pressure to come as a character; you may just want to come as a colour or a theme or a book - the choice is yours. We would like to collect any old World Book Day costumes that you may have at home and no longer fit. There will be a rail at the front of school for you to put them then anyone who may need one can use them. It is always good to share what we have and no longer need.

You may remember that last year, the Easter bunny visited school. This year, he is having a year off and instead we are bringing back the Easter Egg Raffle! On Friday 21st March it is own clothes day and bring an easter egg into school. These will all be collected and then raffled off on the final day of the term. Raffle tickets will go on sale after the 21st - you have to be in it to win it! Also on Friday 21st March, Greg Anderton from The Garden Hub at Lytham Hall will be coming into school to talk the children through making a Spring planter. They will learn about the different plants and making a planter to take home. This will be added to Parent Pay after half term if you would like your child to take part in this lovely whole school event.

You may remember a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that we will be taking delivery of 180 saplings and hedge row to extend our Forest School area and to protect the canopy too. These will be delivered the week of the 3rd March. On Friday 7th March, from 1pm, we will be having a planting afternoon that Year 5 will lead. We need to get these in place and to protect them too. We would love for members of our community to join us to help us - if you can please do. I will add a form to the website following half term for you to sign up. To protect the plants, we need 2ltr bottles that will be made to wrap around them when growing. Can you start collecting these too! There are a lot of plants that need protecting!

Have a lovely weekend with your families. Don’t forget that we have another staff INSET day on Monday 24th February, therefore the children will be back in school on Tuesday 25th February.

God bless

Mrs Gregan