Luke 2:10: "And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."

This Advent, we have really tried to open our hearts to the arrival of Jesus. As a community, we have travelled through Advent knowing that the stable is our ultimate destination. Through the songs and acting of our EYFS and KS1 children, to the scripture and prayers that were spoken at the carols by our KS2 children, we hope that you have enjoyed journeying with us. I have attached a small video of our prayer and liturgy in school this term. I hope you enjoy listening to some of the songs and seeing the beautiful reflections that have been taking place across the school.

The nativities have been the beacon of light for us this half term - they have been truly magical and such a reminder of the most amazing miracle in such a tiny baby. The children and staff team have taken the story and portrayed it so very beautifully. On Monday afternoon and evening, our KS2 children stole the night as their voices lifted the entire church is prayer and praise. It is my favourite night of the year, and this one did not disappoint.

Digital codes for the filming of the concerts have been given out for the children that have ordered them. I know that some of you have experienced difficulty in accessing the film, myself included. We have contacted the company today and are trying to resolve it. The resolution seems to be if your code looks like it has a capital I in it, try putting it in as a lowercase l. For example, NlNE - the second letter is a lower case l. This seems to have worked in the cases that we have tried, so fingers crossed for you too.

Christmas in School

Christmas in a primary school is joyous! From the parties, to dancing, to pass the parcel, to Christmas dinner and lots of biodegradable glitter - we have had so much fun this week! I apologise for the confusion over drinks for the party. In the event of being inclusive, we stipulated water on blogs as the children have so many treats in school on those days and drinks are often problematic. We will always try to problem-solve moving forward and ensure that our communication is really clear.

Please enjoy the video below of the Christmas week and then visit class pages for more fun and excitement.

Leading Learners of the Half Term

This week, the children chose their learners of the term. Children who had demonstrated the learning characters and virtues in class. It is always special receiving a certificate, but to receive it from your peers is like a gold stamp of approval. Thank you children for giving of yourself so selflessly and for striving the be the role models that we need here at Our Ladys.

Leading Learners

Butterfly Virtues

A word from me…

Today marks the end of my first year as headteacher - and I am beyond proud of what we have continued to achieve together at Our Ladys. I cannot believe that it has been a year, but so much has happened, I need to stop and appreciate every single moment. So much has happened this year, more than I could have possibly imagined, and the emotional weight of this role has been something that I have noticed and felt more than anything else. Each one of the 210 children in our school are incredibly special to me; each parent, each governor and each member of staff are part of a very special team that make up our community. Making decisions for the good of everyone is never easy, but what I try to do is to be inclusive of everybody, to ensure that everybody feels a sense of belonging and to keep Christ firmly at the centre of our hearts. Of course, I have not always got things right and there are times when I could have done things differently. But what I have always tried to ensure is that kindness comes above anything. That the children feel loved, valued and safe and that relationships are strengthened in every interaction. This school is a learning community; and this year the learning for me has been steep, but I have loved every minute of it. There is a saying that if you love the job you do, then you never work a day in your life. I am incredibly blessed and lucky to do what I do and to work with the people I work with. The staff her are beyond brilliant and the amount of support they give your children is inspirational. They are really ready for the Christmas break, this term has been long, but they are tired because they have worked so very hard for the good of our school. I am blessed to work alongside a team such as this one.

Thank you all for the support that you have given me this year; for always speaking with kindness and never judgmental; for always smiling and taking an interest in the school; for always sharing issues so that we can problem-solve together; for just being you. On behalf of the entire staff team, I want to wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas. We look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 8th January.

God bless

Mrs Gregan