'Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.'

Our first full week back in school has been incredibly busy, not just for the children, but for the staff as well. Our Lady’s is a learning community in every sense of the word. We are all constantly striving to be the best versions of ourselves; which is never easy, in fact it is a lifetime’s work. I am not sure that we will ever get there but we travel hopefully. I have spotted children modelling our new virtues for this half term, (being learned and wise), all over school - in lessons, on the playground and in the interactions I have witnessed.

Just like the children, the staff are always looking for ways to be the best support they can be for the children in their care. What opportunities can we provide that will excite the children and help them to continue to grasp those key learning skills that will help them make progress. This week: Mrs Lyons has been learning all about Shakespeare and how she can bring The Tempest to life in the Year 4 classroom, Mrs Hartley has been looking at mastery of number for our youngest children and Mrs Hotchkiss has been working with other schools to improve how we deliver maths at Our Lady’s. It is always good to look out and see what others are doing too.

I have spent some of my week doing just what I love to do, being with the children. I have had the pleasure of visiting Reception, Year 1 and Year 5 this week; it has brought me such joy. I was involved in a very serious science lesson in Year 1 - just what material would be the best material to build a house for the three little pigs? In Reception and Year 5, I led a class council to see just what the pupils think about our school. I asked them the following questions:

  • What makes you PROUD to belong to Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary?

  • What do we do well that we could do MORE of?

  • What could we THINK ABOUT?

  • What would you INTRODUCE to the school to enhance our community?

It is clear that our children really know and understand our community, in fact, their answers were profound, although I am not sure we could introduce a swimming pool onto the field. I explained that it is really important to listen to everybody’s ideas, however, we have to be selective about which ones we implement for the benefit of our community. The staff have also been asked the same questions and we will be asking our parents and governors the same in the coming weeks - so get thinking! Everyone needs to have their voice heard in order to continue to nurture the community. Let’s see what we can continue to grow.

‘Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.’

On Monday, a group of dedicated and focused footballers attended the Fylde Girls Football Tournament held at AKS. This is the first time that we have entered the event - and I am so glad that we did. Over recent years, it is clear that girls’ football is growing. Our lionesses have proven to be incredible role models nationally, well, I can tell you that this group of girls are incredible role models too. Not only did they win the tournament, they won it with positivity, laughter and kindness. As ambassadors of our school, this makes me proud. Today, the girls have been in Fleetwood representing Fylde at the Lancashire Schools Final. I cannot wait to update you on their achievements next week. Thank you Mr Cornwell and Mr Nay for giving up your time to give the girls this opportunity.

Our youngest children in school attended their first after school club this week. 15 excited children joined Mr Nay in the hall to take part. As we start the second term in school, all classes have now had chance to access extra-curricular clubs - this is fantastic.

Judo has also started this morning for KS2. We have been inundated with requests to join. All 60 of this term’s places quickly went, but do not worry, the club will be running all year and those who missed out this term will be allocated places in the summer term.

Sacramental Programme

It is always such a special time of the year when we can start to prepare our Year 4 children to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. After meeting Father Peter, we have put in all of the dates for the parents’ sessions and the children’s sessions in school, which can now be found on the Year 4 class page and the dates section of the website. If there are any other families in the parish who have children who need to receive the sacrament, please contact the school office so we can send all of the details to you and involve you in the programme.

Father Peter has also asked us to look for new altar servers for our parish. Any child from Year 3 upwards can be an altar server and support Father Peter during Mass. I will be visiting classes over the next few weeks and discussing how the children can apply to Father Peter.

Bringing things into school…

It is inevitable that with the cold, wet and windy weather that we have been experiencing recently, we have seen an increase in chapped lips and dry skin. This has resulted in lots of lip balms (of different flavours and colours) being brought into school as well as cream for dry skin. We have found that children have been sharing lip balms, which is causing skin break outs and the transference of germs from one child to another. If your child can manage without a lip balm or dry skin cream in school, please do keep these at home as they are beginning to prove a distraction. If they are needed in school, then they will be given to the class teacher at the start of the day to monitor their use. Please email the class teacher if you are sending a lip balm into school so that they are aware. Cream is classified as a medical item and therefore needs to come in via the school office with a completed medicine form, clearly stating how it needs to be administered throughout the day.

During the pandemic, we adopted some clear hygiene routines in school to try and keep our children and staff as safe as possible. These routines have continued with all of the children sanitising their hands at regular intervals in the day. There have been some stubborn bugs around lately that we are trying to keep at bay. We have enough sanitiser in school, therefore there is also no need to send in sanitiser with your children.

Office News

The Office doesn’t have much to report this week! We are struggling still with some dinner payments and will be texting - one or two debts are creeping up so please, any parents in that situation, heed the text and pay up as we don’t want to suspend any dinner accounts.

We are very sorry that some people, we’re thinking Year 5 here, have been waiting for badges - they will be coming shortly and we are sorry for the delay.

Re Admissions - we hopefully have all the Supplementary Forms in and hope that you’ve all completed the LCC online application process. If not, you still have time - but hurry - Sunday 15th January is the cut-off. Please ensure that you have applied online for a place in Reception for September 2023 and, if anyone has outstanding supplementary forms do bring them to the Office ASAP. Many thanks.


Well done Reception. You have managed to just pip a few other classes this week. Our whole school attendance from the beginning of September is 96.9%, just short of our 97% whole school attendance target. Keep going everyone!


In a few weeks time, we will be taking part in national online safety day. Next week, I will be launching a whole school film competition for the event. On Thursday 9th February, 9am, we will be hosting a parent event where you can be updated in the latest online safety issues, as well as being able to ask your own questions. I am sure there may also be some drinks and cakes as well! Online Safety is a growing issue in our community amongst our young people, therefore it is important to be as updated as we possibly can.

We will also be starting a Word Wizards club across the school. This will entail supporting children with their reading and writing, via some very exciting tasks! Parent drop in sessions will be available as part of this so that you too can grow your understanding of how to support your children at home.

It is a wonderful feeling to be opening up our school again to our parents and providing opportunities for you to come in.

Have a wonderful weekend

God bless,

Mrs Gregan