Year 5 homework to be handed in after the holidays on Thursday 31st October


Two thirds of the class have reached or are about to reach their reading target set at the beginning of the half term. We are determined as a class to help the other third make the progress they can. We all need to be Sadie Spiders - determined to read as much as possible- reading is the key to all learning- it boosts confidence and leads to exciting new insights. Please read over the Holiday- please do not stop!


We have started negative numbers and Mrs Kennedy is leading the lessons next week. Get ahead by completing IXL A10 and A11

Spelling- this week can we learn the spelling of sion words when it is added to verbs to make nouns

Confusion (confuse)

Revision (revise)

Explosion (explode)

Division (divide)

Decision (decide)

Invasion (invade)

erode (erosion)

Please learn you spelling for our return after the holidays. Because you have extra time please find the definition for each and place it into a sentence.

Eco council member

Year 5 have been formally invited to join the school Eco-Council by Mrs Mather our Eco Council Leader. To become a member the children need to do something that shows they care about God’s world. You could:

Re purpose rubbish into something new and bring it to school

Create a poster communicating what we need to do to look after our world

Send a photograph “via the contact button” on our class blog. A picture showing you doing something environmental

Be creative!


Master the oral story telling of Gellert. Can you learn the first two paragraphs using the images up loaded here? . I am looking for children who can take it one step further and learn the whole story. I have downloaded it here for you. You may take sheets of paper from school to create your images. I will film us performing the story next week so you can see it on our class page.