"The most beautiful way to start and end the day is with a grateful heart"

Another week has flown by with Year 2 working as hard as ever to grow those brains and achieve those ever changing targets they are setting themselves. We began reading our first focus story ‘Meerkat Mail’ this week, with the children focusing on the main character Sunny. As a class, we learned all about adjectives and the adjectives we could use to describe our new favourite Meerkat. In the coming weeks, we will develop these adjectives to create our own postcards from Sunny’s travels and hopefully, some incredibly entertaining meerkat poems - watch this space!

PE lessons have been filled with many smiles as we have been practising our gymnastics jumps and travels using the benches, horses and ropes. Already the class can see huge improvements in their movements and landings and can’t wait to develop more ways of travelling next week.

Thank you for taking the time to read with your children at home. It is such an important skill to continually develop and the children are already showing so much more independence during our class reading time. Well done Year 2 - this ever growing independence is great to see.


As a school we will be celebrating the Harvest festival by collecting different food items and donating them to the local food bank. Year 2 have been asked to collect tinned tomatoes and will be collecting these in class from Monday. Your donations will be kindly received.

I am looking forward to meeting with you all on Thursday 17th October for Parents day to discuss your child’s transition into Year 2. Please do sign up for a time slot if you haven’t already done so.

Our Year 2 class assembly will be on Tuesday 5th November at 9:10am and 9:35am.

Let’s Celebrate

Fran, it is amazing to have such a ‘Bobby Bee’ buzzing around our classroom each day.  You are so full of enthusiasm and it shines in everything you do.  Nothing is ever too much to ask and everything is done with such a huge smile on your face.  We are lucky to have such a kind, caring and loving member of our class team. 

I have seen such a transformation during the last couple of weeks Nicola!  You are now so focused during lessons and it is great to see you sharing your ideas so openly with the class.  I have seen a particular change in mathematics, where you have been keeping up with the learning and are keen to tackle challenge after challenge.  Well done!

Have a great rest this weekend,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly