We have had a really good first week back! Children are really settling down and coming together as a class now, which is lovely. We will be welcoming Victor, who some children remember from nursery, on Monday. Children are so excited to get to know him again!
Today we celebrated a lovely mass together in church. Children were so prayerful and really sung their hearts out. In RE this week, we have been considering ‘What is God like?’ and using what is revealed to us in the Old Testament to find out. This led to children asking a barrage of questions about God, which they have recorded in their RE books! We went deep!
In our English this week, we have practised reading skills of inference and finding evidence from the text. Then we have planned our own story based on the Pied Piper and begun to write it. In french we have been learning about different rooms in the house whilst also learning all the french words for ‘the’ and ‘a’ Sometimes it feels like a high school class in French but the children really rise to it!
In yoga, children are becoming very good yogis too - they were so still this week! They have been practising techniques for relaxing at bedtime and going to sleep. Why not practise at home?
In maths this week, we have been comparing and ordering our larger numbers and making sure we understand this language: greater than, smaller than, fewer, ascending order and descending order.
Let’s celebrate!
This week, three Sadie Spider certificates for effort and hard work were given out - well done Eli, Harvey and James. You are working your socks off!
Our french stars this week were Finian and Jacob. Our swimming stars were Olivia and Jacob and our yoga stars were Jacob and Lorna-Jane. Well done!
Please could any outstanding sponsorship money be handed in on Monday. Many thanks for all your kind donations.
Our trip on Tuesday 12 November - please pay by parentpay
Have a nice restful weekend with your lovely children. God bless.
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Atkinson.