"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."- Anthony J. Angelo

The children have certainly brought their own sunshine to the playground this week as they braved the elements! Thankfully, the climate turned a little warmer today so we were all able to delight in some well earned fresh air.

Throughout the week, we have opened up one of the classrooms in both keystages for those children who wanted to stay warm. They have watched films, played with play dough and have produced some fantastic pictures. Those who went outside have played beautifully and have come up with some great game ideas.

Mr Nay has once again provided wonderful opportunities for the children to get involved in sporting activities from change, change to hand ball. The children always come away with a smile on their face and full of exciting recounts of what they have been up to.

Table of the Week: This week, the children have been sitting in house teams and I do have to say, there have been some lovely conversations going on around the dining room. KS1 winners were Plessington, congratulations children. KS2 It was a draw for the juniors this week with Bamber and Marsden. Well done to both houses.

Role Model of the Week: Rafe Y1 and Laura Y5. Well done to you both, the ladies have praised you so much this week for being so kind to those around you. Thank you.

Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: Jaqui finds this so hard each week as all the children have such marvelous manners. This week she has chosen, Daisy Reception and Troy Y6. Well done to both of you and thank you so much.

Have a lovely weekend,

God Bless.

The Lunchtime Team