Year 5 Homework to be returned on Thursday 21st November


We have started reading a new class novel “ The Midnight Fox” by Betsy Byers. Even though it was written over 50 years ago, it rings true. It is all about a little boy facing normal family difficulties- and finding himself too. So many children are racing towards their targets and I know when we are all engrossed in our books because the room is still and silent during our reading sessions- great to see!


Mental maths challenge. I have given the children one of my Mental maths challenges. They have to complete all the sums mentally and time themselves! They will get another one next week and the week after- they have to keep improving their time! Have fun!


Words with the prefix il added and revising im






Orange words: marvellous, prejudice

Please write the definitions for the words in your homework book! and learn the spelling!


Next week we will be starting our science topic on Forces. I would like you to do some research on the famous scientist Sir Issac Newton. This week I want you to find out when and where he was born and what happened to him when he was a young man. You don’t have to find out what he discovered yet - that’s for next week. Now imagine you are writing an article about Sir Issac Newton write the introduction about his early life (homework book)- You will be typing so do a good job- it will save you time in the future this soon onto a Purple mash App!! I’ve made a link here to a good web page!