‘A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.’

As we celebrated World Book Day this week, I would like to take the opportunity to share with you how proud I am of all of the children in year 1. The children have all made brilliant progress in their reading! It is amazing to see the children picking up a book and being able to read it fluently, with confidence and expression. The children have been grouped into new read write inc. groups this week and I am very excited for what the future holds for these little readers! Let’s keep growing that love of reading together, at school and at home!

In history, we have continued our learning about Neil Armstrong, the children wrote questions they would ask Neil Armstrong about his greatly significant achievement. I was very impressed with some of the questions the children came up with, for example ‘Why were you the first person on the moon, why had someone not gone before you?’

This week the children have learned all about the author, Beatrix Potter. The children learned an information text about her, off by heart, using actions. The children then wrote their own short information book about Beatrix Potter, perfect for the gift shop at Beatrix Potter World. Next week we will be beginning Beatrix Potter’s most famous book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. I cannot wait!

In RE, the children have been learning the prayer, Our Father. We have been thinking about what the words mean in this prayer and also reflecting on how we can pray. The children worked together to create a display, all about how we can pray. The children came up with some beautiful suggestions and we talked about what we may pray to God about.

Thank you to those who joined us for our Lenten Mass today. It was lovely to see so many of you celebrating this, very special time of year with us. Well done to those children who have been generous with their time and have been washing up at home. The children’s almsgiving challenge this week is to make their own bed for 20p. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Star of the Day

Every day I will be picking a star of the day! The star of the day will be someone who has shone Jesus’ light in our classroom and been a kind, resilient and focused learner. As I only pick one star of the day, these children should be very proud of themselves! This week the stars of the day have been: Roseanna, Liam, Theo, Isaac and Theo (again)!

Class Tiger

The Tiger has chosen to go home with Pippa this week. Pippa, the Tiger has chosen to come home with you because you are such a role model, to all of your class mates. You’re listening has been brilliant this week and you have worked so wonderfully with your leaning partner. Well done you!

Kindness Pot

This week year 1 got 35 pom-poms in the kindness pot! That’s 15 more than last week! I wonder if next week I can spot even more acts of kindness.

Let’s celebrate

Concentrating Cooper Crab -  For being such a focused learner. Ola, this week you have been a role model to your class mates; you have sat on the carpet beautifully in every lesson and have listened super carefully to what others are saying. You have tried so hard to do your best learning and I couldn’t be more proud of you. Well done super star!

Cooperative Roger Robin -  For being so kind to your class mates. Luke, I have spotted you going out of your way to help other people, lots this week. Thanks to your generosity of kind actions, we have got loads of pom-poms in the kindness pot! Noticing that someone may need a friendly face to help them is wonderful. Well done for using your hands to be kind. I am so proud of you


  • The children will be going on a school trip to Blackpool Zoo, on Tuesday 21st April. Payment for this is now open on ParentPay. The children will be reviewing their learning all about the different animals and will be taking part in a dinosaur lesson, all ready for our new English topic. It is certain to be a fun-filled day of learning!

  • The book fair is open from 3:30pm on Monday 9th March.

  • PE kit to be worn on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please note that the children should wear a full tracksuit, as per the school’s uniform policy - not just shorts. Children are to wear their shorts for Yoga on a Wednesday and indoor PE on a Friday. I suggest that children wear their shorts underneath their tracksuit bottoms, so that they can easily change.

I look forward to discussing your children’s learning with you at parents evening, next Wednesday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lane, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Malley