"Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem, may we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man!"

My goodness, that’s another busy week done and dusted in Year 2! The children have been incredibly busy finishing and editing their ‘Who’s afraid of the big bad book?’ stories this week, which I can’t wait to sit down and read this weekend. I can’t quite believe just how much more independent the class have become when writing, and how their confidence has grown when spelling tricky words and using punctuation in the correct places.

In maths, the children have had to be real ‘Don’t Give Up Sadie Spiders’ as we have looked at the different strategies we can use in order to add and subtract 2 digit numbers. We have used the base 10 equipment, used number lines and the partitioning method in order for the children to find the best strategy for them. Well done Year 2, this week’s learning in maths certainly hasn’t been easy but you’ve stuck with it!

Thank you for all of those children who have been practising their Nativity parts. Please do keep practising these over the weekend as we will be practising in the hall next week.

It was lovely to see some Year 2 children at the Advent mass this morning, helping us all to remember the true reasons for celebration at this time of year. If you would like to join us next week, mass will be taking place at the same time of 8am in the hall on Friday.


On Friday 13th December, Year 5 have organised for the whole school to have a ‘Silly Sock and Christmas Jumper’ day in order to raise money for local charity Brian House. We have been collecting for Brian house throughout the term and Year 5 are desperate to raise over £1000 and we are so nearly there! Donations of £1 would be greatly appreciated by the charity - so get digging out those socks and jumpers!

Let’s Celebrate

Georgia, I can’t quite believe just how much you have grown in confidence already in Year 2!  You have become such a determined learner who doesn’t give up at the first sign of challenge, but will persevere and listen carefully to advice and help given to you.  Keep it up Georgia – I absolutely love seeing your beaming smile in our lessons. 

Thank you for your bundles of enthusiasm in every lesson Rosa.  You are always so eager to put your hand up and share your ideas with the class and do so with great confidence.  I love hearing your stories about what you feel you have done well and what you found difficult, as this shows that you are growing to become such a reflective learner too.  Well done! 

Have a wonderful weekend with your families,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly