May we first say a massive well done to our dancers who were in the dance festival on Monday night. You danced your hearts out and did so well. Today has also been a celebration of all things musical as we went to the Parish Pantomime - Rumplestiltskin. Children had a brilliant time and joined in with so many songs. Some even had chance to go on the stage and sing. It was a super performance full of laughter and joy.
Highlights this week:
We are in full flow with our new novel - ‘Charlotte’s Web.’ Already we love Wilbur the pig and are learning important skills of inference and finding evidence in the text to prove a point. Today children made Advent promises to grow closer to Jesus this season and have created a poster, informing people all about how and why Christians celebrate Advent. Why not chat about this at the weekend? We have been wise mathematicians this week as we have been learning/revising lots more addition/subtraction strategies and thinking about when it is best to use them.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week our learning certificates (Sadie Spider) went to Jessica and Bella. Both of you are trying so hard to achieve and be perseverant learners - well done!
Our swimming stars this week were Olivia, Clayton and Jacob.
Our French star was Kaya and our Yoga stars were Victor and Emma. Well done!
Flute concert for parents on Monday 9th December at 2.45. We hope you can come!
On Friday 13th December, come to school in a Christmas Jumper and/or silly socks and bring a pound. This is an initiative created by Year 5 children who want us to raise money for Brian house.
Tuesday 17th November - Key stage 2 Christmas performance in church - 2.00pm and 6.30pm.
Advent mass at school each Friday at 8.00am
Have a lovely first weekend of Advent!!
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Atkinson