Have a wonderful- Happy and Holy Christmas!!!

Dear Year 5 families,

Mrs Kennedy and I would like to wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas. We have have thoroughly enjoyed this long autumn term, it has been marked by many significant moments. The children have worked hard, they have risen to the challenges they have faced and we hope that they will continue to embrace these on their return after Christmas. There is no formal homework over the festive period I only ask the children to read, read and to snuggle down and read a little more. If they are very lucky they may receive a book or two from Santa (fingers crossed).

Thank you for a lovely final week children- this class sure know how to party- and you have completed work and assessments with the focus asked of you- again thank you. I have uploaded the pictures of us partying away on Wednesday and I will be taping the children’s radio adverts they created in Geography as they took on the role of Minister in charge of tourism over in the Americas.

Do you remember a few week ago when I posted a video of the class performing their song (rap) all about recycling plastics, well we entered it in the “recyclemoreinlancashire” campaign competition and guess what we came runners up!!!!!! We have won £100 in gardening vouchers!!!! WELL DONE ECO-TEAM!!!!!!!!!


Returning to school on Monday January 6th

Please make sure your pencil case is fully stocked these are the essentials:

blue or back pen- comfortable ball point plus spare

Purple pen

pencil plus spare

rubber and sharpener

small ruler (essential)

glue stick

colouring pencils optional

NO SCISSORS- safety scissors are provided by school

Thank you!!!