"May this season remind you of the hope, joy, love and peace found in Christ"

I can’t believe we are yet again at the end of another busy week! Our learning has been filled with the Nativity story this week, where the children were challenged to think deeply about why God chose Mary and Joseph and how they might have felt at the time. We looked closely at scripture from the Bible and wrote our own messages to Mary, explaining why she shouldn’t worry and how God would help her. These were absolutely beautiful to read and it was lovely to see the children’s pride as they shared their messages with each other. Foundation Stage also shared their Nativity with us on Tuesday morning which linked with our learning perfectly. I know that the children can’t wait to share their Nativity with you all next week - they are working so hard!

Advent Mass was beautiful once again this morning, with so many families coming and sharing a quiet and prayerful time with one another. Please don’t forget that the last Advent Mass is taking place Next Friday at 8am in the hall. At this incredibly busy time of year, it is important to take time for ourselves and be reminded of the true reasons to celebrate at Christmas.


Christmas Cards - We had a great chat in class today about Christmas cards and how every year at Christmas, instead of spending money and sending out cards, it is a much kinder idea in the season of Advent to collect the money and choose a Cafod World Gift to buy from us all. We agreed that the children could create or buy one card for the class and then donate any money they would spend on cards to our collection. As we get enough money, we will look at the World Gifts as a class and decide on the ones we would like to purchase for those less fortunate than ourselves.

Christmas jumper and silly sock day on Friday 13th December - Year 5 have organised the event and are hoping to raise over £1000 for local charity Brian House. On this day, children can wear their own clothes with a Christmas jumper and/or silly socks for a small donation of £1.

Please can all children have their PE shorts with them next week so that they can be worn underneath Nativity costumes if needed. Thank you.

Please, please, please do keep practising those Nativity lines. Some children are still a little unsure of what to say.

Let’s Celebrate

Angel, you are such a creative learner and always ensure that you include all of the taught key elements in your writing.  Your message to Mary was filled with such wonderful ideas as you explained why she wasn’t to worry and why God had chosen her to do such a special job.  Keep it up Angel, your work is always a joy to read.

I can’t quite believe just how much progress you are making Ruby-Lilly!  You focus so hard during lessons and always put your hand up to share your thoughts and ideas with the class.  You are listening so carefully to feedback and always use this in order to improve further.  It is wonderful to see such a love of learning in every lesson – well done!