Where to begin? A huge well done to all of our children! They were all fantastic! The way that they helped one another, spoke their lines and sang so beautifully, was just amazing. We are all so proud of them. Thank you for all of your support by practising lines at home to make sure they were ready to share the story of Jesus’ birth.
Co-operative Roger Robin Tilly for… Being such a thoughtful and caring young girl. You spend so much of your time making beautiful pictures and gifts for your friends and for our worship area. Your love for Jesus Christ is so special, and you use this to follow in his footsteps with your beautiful behaviour. Well done Tilly!
Focused Cooper Crab Rose for… Always concentrating so carefully during our learning. Your effort and hard work shows in all of the wonderful work that you do. It was lovely to see you on the stage with so much confidence during our Nativity. Well done Rose!
This weeks focus word is no. Please practise reading and writing this word, as it is one of our High Frequency words that we aim for our Reception children to be able to read, by sight, at the end of Reception. Thank you.
Silly Sock and Christmas jumper day
On Friday 13th December we are asking children and teachers to wear their best Christmas jumper and silly socks. This is because Year 6 would like to raise £1,000 for Brian House. Please bring £1 to school on this day to help Year 6 reach their target. Thank you.
Christmas Cards
At our school we decided many years ago to save/collect the money that we would spend on Christmas cards to buy a special world gift off Cafod’s website. Last year in Reception we were able to buy a watering pump to help a family in Africa have safe water to drink.
Nativity DVD
If you are wanting to buy a DVD of our Nativity, please return your form with the money ASAP. We will be sending off the amount of copies to the company soon, so please don’t miss out.
We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend together as a family.
Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley