With only two weeks left until we break up for Christmas, we are practising and performing, Nativities and a carol service on top of all our wonderful learning. The school is truly a magical place to be, just ask the children!
In Art…
Reception Used clay for the first time with me, as we squeezed and rolled the cold, wet clay between our fingers. We used a rolling pin and cutter to make a flat disc, we decorated the disc with a snowflake design. These will be painted next week.
Year one used a special printing foam called Safe Print. We pushed objects into the foam to make indentations, we then painted over the pad and printed the results. We were really happy with how they came out.
Year two assembled their moving vehicle in their design technology session. Adding the axles and wheels, securing them, testing they worked and making adjustments. We also constructed the cab for our trucks, personalised them and added our Christmas message. These will become a moving Christmas card instead of the more traditional style (I like to make the cards within the topic). Next week we make, decorate and add a festive tree.
Year three thoroughly enjoyed having a catch up session. With four collages in as many weeks , many were incomplete, we looked at our pieces and made the decision on which pieces we would like to add to. Some of us were able to complete all four.
Year four used their recently learned watercolour skills to create a wonderful Christmas card. As we watched the wonderfully charming Foundation Nativity, we had whole class Art in the year four classroom. It was a beautiful, quiet lesson, as we all tried hard to get the perfect result. Mrs Kennedy thoroughly enjoyed joining in and made a gorgeous card for her family (she said she couldn’t remember the last time she did some painting).
Year five took their completed Reduction Block prints and mounted their large piece, these look amazing and will be displayed after Christmas. They also made their special card to come home at the end of term.
Year six reflected on their purse making, what was difficult, what they found interesting and what they would do differently, given the opportunity. We started our Christmas cards, this is a special card as it is the last primary school one. This is made in our Textiles topic and is cross stitched. A big thank you to Mr Holford who came in to help our sewers.
Art Club had its last meeting for group two, group three will be informed during the last week of term and will start the first week back in January, KS1 made a tube owl and KS2 used the photographs taken last week to create an unusual collage self portrait .
Have a wonderful weekend, hopefully not too wet, the weather forecast isn’t looking too bright .
God bless.
Mrs Curtis