Lenten Almsgiving

During Lent thwe whole school community have been thinking about others through our charitable work. All the children have been collecting money from good deeds in either decorated containers or 'raisin boxes'. Our count to date has revealed that they have raised a considerable amount of money, at this point it has been counted to just over £700 (and still counting!), which is wonderful news! On the request of the children the money will be donated to the NSPCC. Thank you for all the support you have given to help us to help others.

The Easter Egg Extravaganza has also proved another success and we managed to raise a further £440 for Brian House; money which I know will be gratefully received. After half-term we shall be rounding up and sending cheques to both charities all thanks to everyone's wonderful generosity. As always, thank you for your kind donations of eggs it made our Easter assembly very exciting! The Easter Bunny left some chocolate chicks which were quickly claimed with a song, dance or joke!