"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn"

Let’s Celebrate

What an absolute ‘Bobby Bee’ you are Daisy!  You show so much enthusiasm in everything you do and are always eager to discover what is next in your learning.  In the short time you have been in Year 2, you have shown your superb listening skills and share your ideas so openly and confidently with your friends.  Keep it up Daisy! 

Thank you for being such a ‘Concentrating Cooper Crab’ Angel. This week you have shown just how carefully you can listen to and follow instructions. You have shown the class your listening and learning body in every lesson and have produced some superb work because of this. Never lose this focus and determination Angel, it will get you far

What a fantastic second week back we have had here in Year 2! The children have fit seamlessly into their new routines and come into every lesson with such focus and enthusiasm. They have also taken on their extra roles of responsibility so sensibly this week, from taking the register to sharpening pencils - you name it, they’re doing it. I know some are already thinking about which job they would like to take on next half term!

We had a great discussion about our new focus virtue ‘being learned and wise’ at the beginning of the week, and thought really carefully about what the words mean and what they entail. The children have even been using these words in lessons, spotting others who are showing to be learned and wise and explaining how their friends are displaying these qualities. We will continue to delve deeper into these virtues throughout the half term, as well as still keeping an open discussion about our first virtues ‘loving and compassionate’.

We have all gone number mad in maths, making numbers using different mathematical equipment and giving clear explanations for what we have used and made. The class are growing in confidence to use different mathematical vocabulary in front of their peers and are being so brave to have ago - after all, we do learn most when we make mistakes! The class have also been busy revisiting and learning lots of RWI sounds. You all definitely deserve a well earned rest this weekend!


Missing items of clothing - although we are only two weeks in, we already have a number of missing items of clothing, including tracksuit tops and bottoms. Please could you check any items that your child has brought home from school to see if they definitely belong to you. Thank you.

Reading Books - Each child has come home with a new reading book this weekend, with an explanation as to how reading in Year 2 works stuck into their reading logs. Please remember that children must have their reading books and logs with them in school every day. More information about this will be giving out at Induction evening on Wednesday 18th September at 6pm.

Log ins and password - Your child will have also come home with a bookmark containing their usernames and passwords for Accelerated Reader, IXL and Purple Mash. These can be used as a bookmark or can be kept at home as reference as we do have another set in class. Your child will learn more about Purple Mash and how to use it as the year progresses.

Home Learning - Thank you for checking the home learning section of the Year 2 page for last week’s home learning. I loved seeing all of the children’s drawings of their families. Home learning folders are to be returned to class every Thursday and will be given back out on Friday’s for a new week of home learning.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly