'A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new' Albert Einstein

What a wonderful week in Year 3 we have had, especially as the sun has been shining! I don’t know how, but we have managed to fit a lot of learning in to just one week, which shows just how focused and settled the children are in Year 3. This week we have had our first music lesson with Mrs Mallinson, we have had french with Madam Jefferson and of course Art yesterday with Mrs Curtis.

We have been impressed this week with how the children have been challenging themselves in Maths, reading and writing tricky numbers and applying this to their problem solving. In English we have begun to learn the fable ‘Lion and the Mouse’ by heart using story mapping and have started to read other fables, collecting similarities, differences and the morals of each of them, ready for when we write our own fables. In PE we have been working on our throwing skills for invasion games and developing our Cooperative Roger Robins, by working on our teamwork in indoor PE. The children worked together this week to order themselves differently on a bench, without falling off! They improved as the lesson went on, realizing they had to work slowly and communicate calmly with one another, but it was so lovely to see how they celebrated each team. In computing we have finally started to look at our new software of Purple Mash, which the children love. They have started to create their own slideshow of a fable using one of the applications, adding images and sound to their designs- it is all very exciting. You may have noticed that their homework this week is centred around Purple Mash, as we want the children to explore all their is to offer and get used to this program as much as possible, as it is a great tool to enhance their learning.

This week the children have been coming in calmly to class and reading for half an hour each morning. During this time they are able to quiz and change any book they have read. Please can we make sure that their books are coming to and from school every day, to ensure consistency in their reading, as this is what helps them to perform well whilst quizzing. The children have been talking about how they are reading at home with an adult which is fantastic, as this really helps to develop many skills the children need to make the progress they are capable of.

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Kiefer for being such a focused Cooper Crab! You are such a super role model, as you always make the right choices, listen in class and always share your earning with the rest of your class.

Hollie- Rose what an resilient Sadie you are! You always have a go, manage distractions around you and when you make a mistake you seize the opportunity reflect and learn from your mistakes.

Important information:

  • Please make sure all forms from the induction evening are completed and brought back to school- we can’t upload any pictures to the website until ALL forms are back.

  • Homework is due in on Wednesday please

  • Assembly- Tuesday 19th November