Welcome Back Year 2!

I hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday filled with laughter, rest and bundles of memory making! I bet it’s hard for many of you to believe (particularly parents) that you will be starting your new adventure in Year Two TOMORROW!

I am very much looking forward to seeing all of your fresh faces in the morning and telling you all about the exciting year of learning we have ahead. Mrs Connolly, your new Year 2 teaching assistant, is also incredibly excited to meet you all.

Just a few notices to keep you up to date in the first week:

PE days - Our main PE days are Monday (outdoor) and Tuesday (indoor), but we are also incredibly lucky to have a yoga session on Wednesday mornings. Therefore, children are able to wear their tracksuits on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Shorts can either be kept in trays or worn underneath tracksuit bottoms for easiness - please do check the school uniform policy and ensure that trainers are white or blue.

KS1 Induction Evening will take place on Wednesday 18th September at 6pm. This will be a time for me to fill you in with all things Year 2 and for yourselves to ask as many questions as needed. I am looking forward to seeing you all there.

We will be going to church for a Welcome Back Mass on Thursday 5th September at 10am. If you are able to walk with us to church on this day, please do let me know at the door. We will be leaving school at 9:30am and will be back no later than 11:30pm. As always, your help is always greatly appreciated.

Finally, please do bear with me at the door at the end of the day. I will soon get to know all of your faces; it might just take a week or two!

See you tomorrow,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly