Year 5 homework to be complete for Thursday 3rd October


Most of the class are really getting into their reading stride. I am delighted to see children carefully selecting books that are challenging yet accessible- this is a very important and mature skill. Children are experiencing increased reading success and their is a buzz in the room at reading time! Well done everyone. KEEP READING EVERY NIGHT- we need to improve our daily reading times now!

Assembly lines

Some children have assembly lines- please make sure you know them for Monday!


We have synonyms for feelings: sad and fear. Can you learn the spellings:

Livid, furious and irritated

Petrified, and anxious

When we write we are trying to choose the right word- sometimes the words we know are just not powerful enough!

Purple Mash

I am sure the children have already told you about our new computing platform- Purple Mash. The children have all been to a purple mash club at lunchtime run by Year 6. Today we completed our first task in class- writing about our history topic “Ancient Greece”. I have set two "2do” tasks for the children:

Task one: Game - Testing your 3 and 6 times tables facts

Task two: As requested A Slide Show. Creating a slide show all about your passion! Mrs Hotchkiss would have to create one all about sewing or Manchester Utd!

I have set up the tasks and the folders into which the work needs saving!

Have fun!