What a lovely week it has been! We began on Monday morning with a reflective worship in our school chapel - all about creating the kingdom of God on earth, through loving one another. We have been so busy typing our improved explanation text all about Seed dispersal in our English lessons and today we planned our new one - The Life Cycle of A Flowering Plant. We dissected lilies to discover all its different male and female parts and we even looked at pollen through a microscope! All very exciting! We need next week to explain how plants are pollinated by bees - why not have a chat about it this weekend and watch a bee in action?
Other highlights this week included doing a Computing lesson all about how to effectively search on the internet where children found lots of different information. We have been getting to grips with 4 digit thousands numbers this week and we are understanding really well so far. We have also given out assembly parts today to practise over the weekend.
This week we have welcomed a new teaching assistant to our class - Miss Atkinson. She has fitted in seamlessly to class life already! Welcome to our school!
Let’s Celebrate
This week two Sadie Spider certificates for resilience were give out - one to Fin and one to Zac. You both try so hard boys and are role models for the class.
Our French stars this week were Lorna-Jane and Harvey.
Swimming stars were Harvey and Penny - super swimming you two!
We did pick Yoga stars too - but Mrs Lyons cannot remember who they were! Perhaps you do children! I know that we picked them for allowing themselves to be calm and still. A good skill to have!
Our class assembly is on Tuesday 8th October at 9.10 and again at 9.35
There are an incredible amount of PE jackets and even some PE trousers along with cardigans and jumpers in class. Most do not have names so I cannot give them out. I will leave them outside the class on Monday or Tuesday evening to be claimed!
Please could we make sure that all homework is completed and handed in on Thursdays so that it can be marked. Many thanks.
Have a lovely last weekend of September. (Where does time go?)
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Atkinson, Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Mather