"One smile can start a friendship..."

We have been overjoyed with how well all of the children have settled already. New friendships are forming and we have already started to see their confidence grow, it has been magical. Miss Neves and I have been so impressed with how well the children are able to share and take turns independently. Like our school mission statement says, “You are precious in My eyes.” and our new Reception children are certainly making each other feel this way.

Some reminders:

1. Our PE days are on Tuesday and Thursday. Children are able to wear their tracksuit uniform all day, saving their time getting dressed and undressed.

Please bring (or wear) shorts for our PE days.

Remember all jewellery must be removed before school on PE days.

2. Our school lunch menu is on our school website under: Engage—Lunchtimes.

(Week beginning the 16th September, we will be on the week 2 menu)

3. Show and tell will be every Friday. You will find out what the theme is in your child’s Learning Log (Home Learning book) each week.

4. Please remember to send your child into school with a coat each day.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Bassett and Miss Neves