Happy new year to you all. It has been a lovely week. Children seem to have really blossomed and there is a wonderful calm (but excited) atmosphere within class. Part of the excitement has been owing to our new history topic, about the Ancient Egyptians. We have spent lots of lessons figuring out their way of life by looking at evidence from the tombs. Wednesday was very dramatic, when we pretended to be a group of archaologists, and crawled through a dark tunnel to discover the riches of Tutuankhamun’s tomb. We have asked lots of questions about this discovery and found many answers. Today, we were a bit ‘grossed out’ when we learned about the process of mummification. On Monday, children will be writing an explanation text all about it!
Today we went to church. MIss Hornby commented on how beautifully Year 4 sung out and spoke the responses. They are really maturing! In maths we have been grappling with the column addition and subtraction methods. We are trying very hard - and one pupil asked if they could take their maths book outside to do it on the playground!
Miss Edmondson has been into class twice this week to get to know the class. I will be in school on Monday and Tuesday, then off from Wednesday. We have both worked very hard to ensure there will be a seamless transition. Please approach Miss Edmondson if you have any concerns. I will be keeping in touch with the class through a class e-mail project, which is all very exciting! I will miss the children lots but know they will continue to thrive. We also have a new addition to our team, Miss Walker, who is working as a teaching assistant, supporting children in their learning.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week a Bobby Bee certificate went to Eli for showing such self-belief and enthusiasm for his learning. A Roger Robin certificate went to Ava for helping others when she sees their needs.
Swimming continues for the whole of this term.
PE days are still Wednesday (yoga) and Friday (inside PE)
Please encourage children to remember flutes each Monday and children need to practise on Charanga each week.
Have a great weekend with those gorgeous children of yours. Thanks for all your support and kind words at the classroom door. It means a lot. God bless.
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Miss Edmondson and Miss Walker.