‘If we all did the things that we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves …’ Thomas Edison

Wow another exciting week of learning in the year 3 classroom ,with lots of focused Cooper Crabs! There is such a difference when we look at the children that started in September to now- they seemed to have matured and grown so much, especially in their learning- we are so proud of them all! We have LOVED our class novel this week, the children have been collected vocabulary, predicting what happens next, deducing information from the text and thinking deeply about what the author is showing us. In fact, the year 3 team have been blown away by the children’s depth of thought, which showed in their writing this week, where they all wrote a diary entry as the main character Tom. During this the children used what they found out from the text, but also added personal details to give more of an insight to the characters feelings. In Maths this week we have been looking at adding and subtracting larger numbers and started to bridge over the hundreds, which can be a tricky task, but the children are managing really well! In RE, we are continuing to look at the sacrament of Reconciliation, acting out situations that we may come across and how we can problem solve and resolve through asking forgiveness. In Science the children wowed Mrs Nel with how enthusiastic they were when they created a ‘human’ circuit! We love learning about electricity!

Next week we look forward to finishing our class novel and then using what we have learnt and the vocabulary we have gathered to begin writing our own stories. We will also be starting our Celts to Romans History topic next week, which we know the children will love.

Have a lovely weekend and God bless,

The awards this week go to …

Evie thank you for being such a focused Cooper Crab, concentrating in class,participating in lessons and producing much more work- well done Evie!

Isabella you have been such a creative Kiki Chameleon this week, with your wonderful diary entry, using all of your knowledge of the book, great characterization and using all of our grammar skills- what progress you have made!