"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen"- Winnie the Pooh.

What adventures we have had this week as we dodged the rain, watched in awe as the hail pounded the playground and cheered when the sun shone. We have had Sonic the Hedgehog weaving in and out of the playground furniture, mini teachers of the future delivering lessons and performing first aid. Follow the leader has been a popular playtime game this week along with mini tennis tournaments.

Table of the Week: Joint winners for both Keystages this week. KS1, Bamber and Marsden. KS2, Marsden and Harcourt. Congratulations to you all for being wonderful role models for all those around you. It has been a delight to spend your lunchtime hour with you.

Role Model of the Week: Keystage !, this week goes to Luke Y1 and Matilda Y2. Well done to you both for being such lovely friends to all on the playground. Keystage2, Evie C and Kiefer Y3. You are always such a delight to be around children, you are bursting with kindness to everyone. Thank you.

Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: Keystage 1; Georgia Y2 and Jay Y2.. Keystage 2; Sophie Y6 and Nathan J. Well done and thank you children.

Have a lovely weekend

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team