"Enthusiasm moves the world"

The children have been as enthusiastic as ever as they have continued buzzing around our classroom this week! Maths has been a particular challenge for everyone as we have moved on from multiplication and have started to look at sharing for division. Some of the children found it hard to adjust their brains to thinking about sharing out a number rather than putting a number into equal groups for multiplication. However, through determination and resilience, all of the children grasped this learning by Friday and are looking forward to more challenges next week!

English has also been great, with the class finally finishing our focus story for this term - ‘Frog and Toad Together’. Mrs Gawthrope can’t wait, as next week the children will be using their knowledge of the stories to write their own tale for Frog and Toad. I know the class already have so many creative ideas in their heads!

We had more rumbles of excitement when the children saw that science was on the timetable for the week. They were introduced to our new ‘living things’ topic, where they were challenged to think about what they think keeps us alive. We then learned together about the seven things that define something as living. I already can’t wait to see who will remember our new scientific vocabulary for next week’s lesson.

Let’s Celebrate

Alex, you absolutely amazed us all with your enthusiastic acting during English this week. Your performance was outstanding and it was delightful to discover a hidden talent of yours. I think we have a future Oscar winner in the making! You should be very proud of yourself.

Daisy, your writing this week has been beautiful. You have been determined to broaden your vocabulary and your creative thinking has shone through in all your work. You should be very proud of yourself!


We are extremely lucky here in school, as on Thursday 13th February, we have GB Paralympian Craig McCann visiting us. Please find more information about his visit attached to the sponsor forms handed out today.

As we are learning about Florence Nightingale, I have arranged for the children to take part in a mini first aid course. We are asking parents to pay a contribution of £2 to go towards the cost of the course, which can now be paid via Parent Pay. Thank you.

Have a great weekend with your families,

Miss Woodend, Mrs Gawthrope and Mrs Connolly