'...and I think to myself, what a WONDERFUL world!'

This week seems to have completely flown by! We have been very busy in Reception and we are settling more and more each day into our class routines. We have discussed what makes a good friend this week, we decided a good friend, SHARES, is KIND, is HELPFUL, is LOVING, is CARING, likes to PLAY and is someone you can HAVE FUN with. Next week it is mission to be the best friends we can possibly be!

We have been introduced to Be Cooperative Rodger Robin and Don’t Give Up Sadie Spider this week. Rodger Robin reminds us to listen to each others ideas, be patient with others, work as a team and say if we don’t understand. Sadie Spider encourages us to keep practising and start again until we get it right, and most importantly don’t give up when things are tricky! Click the button below for more information.

We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.

In RE thought about all the things in our wonderful world we would like to thank God for. We drew our ideas in our special RE floor book and learnt a lovely poem about God creating the world.


We continued our Read Write Inc (RWI) lessons and the children have now learnt twelve sounds which is brilliant. This week we have learnt four bouncy sounds. Next week we will be recapping sounds and segmenting and blending words.

4 house.png

During Maths this week we heard the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Square. We have created houses for 1, 2, 3 and 4 we thought carefully about how many windows, doors and trees we would need in each house.

In PE our Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) of JUMPING and THROWING and our techniques have improved greatly! Next week we will be improving our CATCHING skills.

Let’s Celebrate

Co-operative Rodger Robin - Liam - For listening to others ideas and showing brilliant teamwork and patience. Thank you for all the fun you have added to our lunchtimes and provision this week with your ideas.

Concentrating Cooper Crab - George L - For being focused, making a plan before tackling an idea and concentrating really well on the carpet. Thank you for sharing your creating ideas as examples of what we can do when we put our mind to it!

Important Notices

Homework - First of all, thank you so much for all the lovely emails and pictures in books you sent in, it was an absolute joy to look through them and lovely to share with the children. I really appreciate the time and effort you all put into the home learning, the children loved it!

The children have been sent home with a folder this week, with lots of exciting things to share with you inside return the books by next Wednesday (7th). Please email me any pictures you would like to share and if you would like to stick anything in the book, please use 1 page per weekly homework so we don’t run out of pages too quickly! Please click on the LEARN FROM HOME button on the right of the Reception page for more information about what has been sent home with your child this week.

Message in a bottle - Please don’t be alarmed if you find a bottle with secret message inside somewhere in your home. The children have been busy writing secret messages or pictures, and I asked them to hide the bottles for you to discover. If you brush a small amount of water with some paint or food colouring over the page the message should appear.

Have a WONDERFUL weekend,

Miss Lavelle, Miss Neves and Barbara