Half term is here and everyone has earned their break, after a full on seven and a half weeks of jammed packed learning.
In Art…
Year one went on a virtual school trip to Australia Zoo and had a personal guide around by Robert Urwin, We saw crocodiles, wombats, elephants and kangaroo’s to name just a few. After we thought about different animals fur, skin or scales and drew what they looked like close up.
Year three showed how much they remembered when they completed their pattern work by filling an apple template with a continued pattern in shape and colour.
Year four also filled an apple template but they created a magical story board in theirs, remembering the tale of Jeffrey the Maggot.
Year five used the apple template to show off their Hundertwasser inspired art and filled it with bold, bright designs with a strong black outline.
Do take a look on the ‘Home Gallery’ as my lovely art monitors, Oliver, Anabelle and Alice have a really cool half term challenge for the whole school.
As usual, I’d love to see all you home creative side and you can send me any to r.curtis@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk and I’ll add any to the next gallery after half term.
It is getting rather chilly in the create room as we are keeping the door and windows open to stay covid safe , please consider an extra layer of clothing on art days, I don’t know where I’d be without my thermal vest!
Year four and year five have messy art next half term and will require a t-shirt that fits over school uniform to keep clean(this can be an old adult t-shirt), this will then stay in their class trays for the next week’s lesson etc. I normally provide these but in these strange times I am unable to keep a shirt for each child. Thank you for your understanding.
Have a lovely half term
Stay safe
God bless
Mrs Curtis