Keeping our learning ticking over during October Half Term

Reading - finish your novel and start your new one!

the whole class completed their” Star Reader” and “Rising Star” reading tests at the end of half term and I have set them new targets for Christmas. The children wanted to take home extra reading so that they could quiz on their first day back. This way they will get a real jump start of their reading as soon as they return!


TT Rock Stars. You will have noticed that I have made TTRockstars a target on your report. I have Identified where your current level is and then set a target for you to reach! Have fun. Remember doing a little everyday is the way forward- I can check everyday during the holiday - so please start work on your target!


I have sent you images of the children work. Mrs Nel has taken create care with these so that you can complete this next piece of work. I would like you to redraft your letter to Donald Trump. Take care to type it out using size 12 font (use a legible and formal font). Make sure you watch this little film so you can include the Religious aspect of the argument. Once you have typed it out attach it to an email and send it to me! I’m looking forward to sending them!

Click on the image to open the film

Click on the image to open the film


“And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’

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