Year 5 online homework to be completed and sent by Thursday 15th October

Thank you for completing al the homework! All the books were on time this week - top marks everyone!


Reading as always remains the most important piece of homework for the whole class. We’ve been tracking those reading targets as we go. Most children are getting there- but we still need to do some serious reading before the holiday begins on Thursday 22nd. We have explored some barriers to our reading progress too and we have noticed that for some we have struggled to find our reading habit and to make it our absolute priority. Finding the barrier (distraction) and recognizing it is really important- once we find it we can then find a solution and read everyday for pleasure.


This week we explored negative numbers and the children completed their IXL units A9, A10, A11 in class. A few children have these to finish. Once you have, please complete your Rock Stars daily!! If the children continue to complete Rockstars for 5 to 10 minutes each day the system will automatically move them on and the I will be able to share data with the children individually. The data section has a heat map- the darker colours shows the tables they haven’t yet mastered! Keep going and we will perform a new gig soon so we can see progress from your baseline score! I have locked a few children into specific tables to help them!


We have written two diaries in class - one for the General who won the Battle of Marathon and one for a character called Llewellyn who mistakenly killed his own faithful hound when he thought the dog had killed his son. The children have done a wonderful job with this work. This week I would like the children to work on Purple Mash and produce a diary for poor Antigone!!! This is a wonderful Greek heroine, a young girl who stood up to a tyrant!!! Here are the key events of her day:

  • The battle is over and both her brothers lie dead on the battlefield. Polynices (one brother) is not allowed to be buried. The new king (Antigone’s uncle) says he is a traitor!

  • Antigone is determined to go out and bury him herself - her sister Esme is frightened and tells her not to.

  • Antigone goes out and buries him with love. She is caught by the guards and brought to the king

  • The king is furious and shouts at her - she shouts back tells him he is wrong. He says she must die and her sister too because she was involved!

  • Esme says” it was her that buried the brother” the girls argue -

  • The Elders warn the king about killing someone they all think is right and even his son Haemon comes to support Antigone (the man she is suppose to marry).

  • The king has a plan- he decides to bury alive!!! That is when her day ends and she faces her death in the morning!

    I have attached: the prompt sheet for a diary, the planning sheet to help you to include Antigone’s thoughts and feeling and the success criteria - which is a list of the features I will be looking for when I mark this work

    This is a big piece of work and you may have to completed it over a two or three sessions. I would crack on with it at the weekend! Have fun telling your parents the story! Now watch my little film to guide you through Purple Mash.

No spelling this week - make sure you edit and check your spellings in your diary with care


The children in Year 5 have the opportunity to become a members of the school’s eco-council. Due to the current situation we have to creatively approach this aspect of community life in a new way! We will all be eco-warriors (in Year 5) and we will complete missions to save our planet throughout the year! In RE this week we have explored the issue of global warming and the children were so passionate about the planet- it was wonderful to see. Pope Francis asks use to be true Stewards of the Earth (Genesis) and care for our “common home”. Inspired by Faye we are all going to have a go at looking after hedgehogs this winter- our first Eco-mission!!! I have attached too films explaining how to care for them and build homes - please use what you have. Once you have made your home and environment hedgehog friendly send me a picture via email!!