Online homework for Year 5 to be completed by November 19th


Please continue to read every night/day. So many children are making fantastic progress. I’m up to chapter 20 in my book, which the children choose for me! I should finish next week! Keep going Team 5!

Science- FORCES/Maths creating an block graph

We have had some real fun this week in science. On Monday we shot elastic band rockets and on Tuesday we investigated parachutes and paper areoplanes. Needless to say, as good scientists we asked questions and took careful measurements. This week I would like you to test different aeroplane styles. I want you to visit the an areophane folding website (press button below). Here you will find the following models:

The Basic Dart

The Buzz

The Stable

The Sprinter

Working with a helpful adult- make the aeroplane models. Remember you have 10 sheets of A4 paper in your bag. Take care when you throw them - make sure it is a fair test. Measure how far they travel. If you don’t have a tape measure make an approximate guess at the distance in metres and cms. To record your results you will need to open up the 2do in Purple Mash. Here you will find the 2graph app. You will need to create a block graph to compare the planes. Have fun!! If you want to do more models just add them to your spreadsheet.


Back to Purple Mash. I have set you a POSTCARD 2do! Can you be Horatio. Watch the little film below! Take care with punctuation, set font at 3 and make sure it conveys Horatio’s emotion


ible and able words- please pop onto Purple Mash again and complete the ibel and able quiz. You only get one shot at the quiz. Make sure you have learnt them first:











Have fun!